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Guide Manager Guides not related to Zeros on Rulers

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Win 7, Publisher

I find placing guides via the guide manager impossible on a double-page spread because the guideline measurements do not relate to the zero marks on the rulers if the zeros have been offset from the top left-hand corner. This really bad when placing vertical guides relative to the vertical centre line in the middle of a two-page spread. A guide supposed to be +5" to the right of the centre line actually ends up 5" from the left-hand side of the left page, even though the x-zero mark on the ruler is in the dead centre of the double-page spread. In other words, it ends up -3.5" (i.e. to the left) from the centre line.


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3 hours ago, Bhikkhu Pesala said:

Docx for image attachments? Please, get yourself a copy of FastStone Capture (version 5.3 freeware is adequate).


Quite right. I did a print screen for this (I usually snip images) and didn't have another way of saving it—now I do. Anyway, glad to know you can replicate the bug.

• It would be nice if centering the X-zero for a double page spread wasn't so tortuous and would hold for all added pages.

• Keep the current manual offset feature as well.

• Also, the Y-zero gets mired at the top of page 1 for some reason on a multi-page spread.

Publisher is a great program but I think the rulers, zeros and Guide Manager feature needs a complete rethink. 


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