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Mitre Join is broken, randomly getting either Mitre or Bevel

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Round and Bevel Join seems fine, but for Mitre Join depending on zoom level you would randomly get Bevel or Mitre join on any corners. (This is also happen in the current live version)
If I rasterize the layer, it would random one last time before being rasterized. (Not correctly Mitre-ed still)


ps. If you could add reorderable multilayer stroke that would be very very helpful.


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This is a simple file.. it is just Arial with mitre stroke. I am surprised you could not reproduce this. Perhaps it is a problem specific to my computer? (But a MBP is hardly customizable)

No matter what the size the problem still occur. Also center-outer-inner align cause the same problem.



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Oh my god, I didn't see the Mitre box. I thought you meant the stroke width.
Apparently my Mitre was 1.414 that cause the problem. I tried changing to other number and it is fine, then I change back to 1.414 and it is fine now??

Also I would like to ask what is the unit of this box? 2 seems to give me a font-matching stroke, while 1 looks like Bevel.

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Thanks for the file. Your file doesn't have any form of Join type selected which looks to be why you're getting this behaviour. As soon as I select either Bevel or Mitre it behaves as expected. How did you create the text object? Because if I start a new document and add text, a Join type is already set and changing it is correct. See attached video.

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