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I have some macros, that use "Apply image" equations with some math over LAB values... Some of them became broken in beta.
The reason: some functions was renamed. In my case it was Sqrt: in stable release function was named "Sqrt" and in current beta it should be "sqrt". First char changed.

Easy to fix by re-recording with proper function name, but old macroses, with "camel casing" for equations - not working in beta "out of the box"

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Hey IPv6,

I believe all the capitalisation got removed when the expressions were redone. They should never have been capitalisation as far as I know... I'm sorry this means you have to redo the macro(s) :( 

I think the expressions topic still lists it as Sqrt so we'll need to change that to lowercase. 

Thank you for raising this and sorry for the trouble.

Update - I think I'm going to speak with dev and see if they can do something to push the command through as lowercase even if it is written with any capitalisation.


No problem to redo, although case-agnostic parsing would be great.

"when the expressions were removed" - what you mean removed? is this somewhat related to new live procedural filter? Are there something like unified expression system?
Just curious, since procedural filter looks very promising... with support for LAB in inputs and outputs (hope this is planned, judging on predefined categories in filter presets) would be a real killer :)

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