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Hi guys, I am new here in our 4rum but I have used AD for more than 3 years. This is an amazing tool which made me quit all Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. I believe AD can match against Adobe after all. However, the new version of Illustrator 2019 has an incredible feature which is Freeform Gradient. Some people might say meh it sucks but I found out that it is quite cool, especially for people who use AD as a drawing tool and suck in coloring like me. 

I am wondering that will AD dev implement this feature to AD in the near future?  It is already 10 months since the last update for AD in Mac and I am really excited to know that we will have a new big update for AD.

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Actually Affinity Designer does have free form gradient.  It was added at the beginning of 2020 to Affinity Designer with the new Appearances tab which allows you to add multiple fills and strokes to a layer.  If you add a gradient either circle or ellipse to the fill and then set the right sides opacity to 0% so its completely transparent and the left side to the desired colour and set the blend mode to average (or you can play around with it) it will become a free form gradient point and function just like free form gradient in Adobe Illustrator.  Duplicate the fills and adjust the color on the left and you will have multiple gradient points that will interact with one another.  Use the handles on the gradient to stretch and shrink the area of coverage of the gradient and how much it overlaps with the gradient fill point next to it.

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