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Hi all,

I noticed that if there is a selection made (marching ants) and you do a Subtract in Rectangular, Elliptical, Column and/or Row Marquee you are not able to see the marquee while dragging, the only one that works is Freehand.

I'm on Win10.

Hope it makes sense.


  • Staff

Hey Juan,

You will only see the marching ants when you're either adding a new selection or adding to an existing one. When you subtract or intersect, you will not see marching ants.

As far as I know, it has always been like this. 

If you mean something entirely different, could you perhaps do a quick recording for me please? 


Hi Chris,

Hmm, I see, yeah that is what I meant. 

From my personal point of view I think the user should always see the marquee in all the modes in this case subtract and intersect, otherwise the behaviour is a little inconsistent compared with Add operation.


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