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Is there some kind of trace feature in AD, whereby I can import a jpg for example, and then inside AD, convert it into a vector?

Thank you all in advance.

High-End Photographic Prints



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We don't have an auto trace tool in the iPad or Desktop version yet.  It's one of the most requested feature and something the Dev team would like to add at some point in the future.

There are 3rd party options but i don't like recommending software i haven't used, so i'll leave that to some of the forum regulars who have experience with them to comment :) 



I almost use it just for that when the rare situations where I need it . Weird as it sounds, it did cut me time when doing low relief and embossing for game dices... (to be exported to blender and extruded/intruded/booleans there, to export the 3D mesh and send to factory).  Also saved the day one gig I had to make in minutes, just vectorizing silhouettes for an event (friend event, open source thing) , with had like zero time for me to do that by hand. Inky saved the day..... Also as Inkscape has an amazing ink brush (very good control settings and response), and well, a lot of formats for import/export. You're never short of converters, you know, specially in the vectors world..... Still, for a ton of reasons related to how good AD is, and that there are some big limitations in the other one, AD is my main thing for vectors work since a while. But is really helpful to have that other free thing installed. I've done that with every major 2D/3D package I've got, at jobs or at home.

What happens is that it has the great Potrace embedded. You need to tweak the settings quite, I even do so depending on the type of tracing I want (ie, not the same when u need a silhouette, than when is about making a pop art-like several colors poster). But as I say, auto-tracing is sth that only makes sense for my work like twice a year or so.... Still, as I tweaked stuff a lot, I get almost a clean result in a first go. Fast tips : reducing color detection to 2 - 8 colors, often 2 -3. And playing quite with the smoothing settings to get a good balance of accuracy/ fewer number of nodes. You want it clean and easily editable at the max, so that u have less work on a final cleaning.

Like in most cross platform free open source software, be very sure to pay attention to updates. They improve a lot with every version but often don't have in place a system to warn you about updates, but in some cases you can subscribe to a mailing list. Inkscape is particularly slow in updates, but it has at least a few per year. Gimp is going faster, and Blender is super active. If you need auto trace, just get this thing, IMO. It's super fast and easy just exporting that in whatever the vector format you prefer, and import it into AD and then start working over it.

Top menu ---> PATH ---> Vectorize bitmap. If I remember right.

Trust me, it works. You only need to fiddle (no auto tracer does a perfect job out of the box. Or what I consider perfect, that is )



AD, AP and APub V2.5.x. Windows 10 and Windows 11. 


  • 2 years later...

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