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I am trying Affinity (not yet purchased) does the trial version have limited features? When I try to work on a RAW file I get the correct screen as per the tutorials but only part of the image appears. Am I doing something wrong or wont the trial version allow full RAW file work?

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Hi RMole,

Welcome to the forums :)

The Affinity Trial is the full version of the software with a 10 day limiter applied. Could you please confirm the source camera for your RAW images, the OS you're using and provide a screenshot showing the loading issue?

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Dear Dan C

Many thanks for your earlier response. Attached (with luck) is the information you asked for

The camera is a Fujifilm X-A10
My OS is High Sierra v 10.13.6

Below is a poor screen shot but typical of the issue I have. Across the middle is a line (in this case blue but that is the partial colour of the image)



The procedure taken was to open Affinity
Open from file (card in card reader port of my MAC)

I have found that if I were to import the file to MACs photo and edit via the Affinity link it takes it over but not as a RAW file





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1 hour ago, RMole said:

(perhaps my FujiFilm X-A10 is not a supported camera

It looks like that's the case - I see the same problem on my Win 10 system!  You could try converting the RAF files to DNG with Adobe's converter.

AP, AD & APub user, running Win10

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Thanks for that info, unfortunately the Fujifilm X-A10 isn't compatible with Serif Labs RAW engine, however it is compatible with the Apple Core RAW engine which can be implemented by Affinity.

You can switch between RAW Engines by first opening an image then going to menu View > Assistant Manager > Develop Assistant and changing the engine from the drop down. (you have to reload the image again for the new setting take effect). I hope this helps!

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7 hours ago, Dan C said:

Thanks for that info, unfortunately the Fujifilm X-A10 isn't compatible with Serif Labs RAW engine, however it is compatible with the Apple Core RAW engine which can be implemented by Affinity.

I'm pretty sure I already know the answer, but is there an alternative RAW engine for Windows users?  

AP, AD & APub user, running Win10

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