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I'm working on a graphic-heavy report and re-pagination from the layout breaks what would be accurate citations. This is handled manually at the moment (unless there's a way to jury-rig the Index manager?).


  • Citation Manager in the top three formats (APA, MLA, and Chicago/Turabian).
  • Ability to set whether the document uses an end-of-section or on-page-where-citation-occurs approach.
  • 1 year later...

I second this...

It should have support for CSL and citeproc, and be able to communicate with Zotero, Mendeley, Citava, JabRef and other Bibliography Software...

There is a lot of libraries that can be used for this...

To be able to add citations and bibliography directly in Publisher so that we didn't have to first write everything in Word or LibreOffice, would save so much time...

Full support for InText, FootNotes and EndNotes should be available...

  • 8 months later...
  • 2 months later...

It would be a required feature if anyone wants to write reports or books containing many references.
Importing from Word into Publisher, references made with Mendeley appear with codes of the Word Add-in and contain the full text of the abstract of the cited article. This needs to be corrected manually.

  • 5 weeks later...

I would like to see a citation tool too. I do use this for some of my reports which are heavily referenced. I did my last report in Word since it has a very good citation manager that remembers references used from past projects. Word suffers from how it handles graphics making it very frustrating at times. I would say goodbye to Word for good if publisher had a citation manager similar in operation to Word.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm somewhat baffled by this request. Are people using Publisher as a word processor? Isn't the way to use DTP software to write the text in a dedicated word processor and then typeset it in the DTP software? That would mean it has to be able to gracefully handle import of texts written with citation managers but surely it doesn't need any direct support of them, since they are most useful at the composition stage. I'm fairly certain newspaper reporters didn't used to type their copy directly into a Linotype machine....

This is my complaint with footnotes: I write my texts in Word and if Publisher simply imported footnotes as static text without any linkages, rather than stripping them out completely, that would be fine, at least as a stopgap measure. That's exactly how it handles citations created by citation managers right now (at least for Zotero, which I use) and I think that's perfectly adequate. Of course, if it actually shows field codes for Mendeley then that is unacceptable. In Zotero it is possible to unlink the citation style, so it becomes static text rather than dynamic fields. Maybe that's an option for you, Michel7, before placing into Publisher?


I'm fairly certain newspaper reporters didn't used to type their copy directly into a Linotype machine....

@IAmMatt: I guess we should all be grateful we don't have to use a Linotype machine then... :)

Although you can do that, write everything in Word, remove all Mendeley/Zotero field formating and copy paste to Affinity. But then what happens if you have to remove or add a single citation, or move position? You have to do it all again in Word (because you have to update all the fields that come after your change!), remove all text in Publisher and replace with the new text from word again. This is a) a lot of work and b) prone to errors.

  • 1 year later...

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