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Hi all :)


My first post and also my first edit using Affinity.

I'm still trying to adjust and find my way round but I have to say I will be sticking with Affinity as Its great to use but I also like some of the features, especially the live view with the blending modes.  


Its an image of my Pug, Obi.  He's a proper little chunk and naughty to say the least. 


It was a three light setup.  One gridded and the other two with silver reflective brollies.  




Thanks EZeemering and a fare point.

Here Is the original and the edited one to make it easier to compare.  

It was just a quick setup in my living room as I was originally just experimenting with my new camera, setup and Affinity.  I have more images from that day of both of my dogs so i may edit a couple more and add them too.






Bonjour. Bonjour.

Ton petit compagnon est magnifique. L'éclairage est bien géré (la lumière est homogène).

La netteté légère, adoucit l'image. Mais une image 50K ne suffit pas. (les exifers aideraient à comprendre).

Son regard est expressif. 




47 minutes ago, Wikinger said:

La netteté légère, adoucit l'image. Mais une image 50K ne suffit pas. (les exifers aideraient à comprendre).

Hi Wikinger,  thank you.

Do you mean add a larger file size and exif data?  


47 minutes ago, Wikinger said:





Il y a 14 minutes, Sm:) er a dit:

...... Voulez-vous ajouter une taille de fichier plus grande et des données exif?  


Oui! Je pense à(taille égale) un plus gros fichier '300/350 Ko) serait plus détaillée.

Les données exif vous permettent de savoir comment vous avez travaillé et, souvent, d'aider à comprendre l'approche du photographe.

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