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AD 1.5.0 beta 13 crashed

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As with all the other recent versions of AD, 1.5.0 beta 13 crashed on me.  And again it was after doing changes in about 150 layers to get the FX set to Scale with object (I sure wish we could set a default) then I clicked on the expand triangle of the group containing these layers.  I made very sure to right click it and to click it only once.  It still gave me a beachball for 20 seconds then crashed.


Crash 9-13-16.txt


Autosave had saved all but about 35 of the changes.  So I made those changes, right clicked the expand arrow and sure enough crash again.


Crash 9-13-16 second time.txt


Well you'd think I would have learned to save this before this but I didn't.  Autosave saved all but the last 12 changes.  After changing those I right clicked the expand arrow and it crashed a third time.


Crash 9-13-16 third time.txt


Finally after fixing the last 12 again I hit save before clicking on the expand arrow.  Still it crashed.  But all of it had been saved.



iMac (27-inch, Late 2009) with macOS Sierra

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Hi Jon,


AD just crashed again on a new drawing.  I've attached the new drawing as it's small enough to still send.  This time I hadn't been making any changes to the FX.  I had just been adding an adjustment layer to a group.  Then I clicked on the expand triangle for the group Back sections to collapse the group.  Then it crashed.  I tried to reproduce this by doing it again but no luck.


Other reports I've made for this same problem:




Thanks for looking into this.




F35 cover test.afdesignCrash 9-15-16.txt

iMac (27-inch, Late 2009) with macOS Sierra

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It's all the same crash. Thanks for the file, that will help greatly.


Edit: You can change the autosave timer in Preference > Performance which will keep more of your changes per crash.


Edit 2: If you can make a video of the procedure before a crash using QuickTime > New Movie recording, that would be good as it would give us more information.

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