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First of all, thank you for fixing the live masks! I was playing with that, and realised the blur radius introduces a border. I know this was something that was noted with the live blur filter, and a work-around was to preserve alpha.

There is no such fix, or I am missing it. I would think in 9/10 cases the desired outcome would be to not have the border, so therefore reporting it as a bug.



Screen Recording 2024-01-31 at 23.57.35.mov


This does not happen in Publisher, for example.

  • Staff

Hey AP-,

I see what you're saying. The easy fix for filters is indeed Protect Alpha. For masks, there's no such option. I'm not sure a Protect Alpha would work for masks due to their nature, but perhaps something that can clamp the alpha at the edges would be possible. I'd have to ask some questions with development about this.


If you apply a live mask to an object in Publisher (and probably also Designer - I have not tried) - it has the desired effect. So I suspect it's the way the live mask in Photo works in a slightly different way with pixel layers than with vectors/objects.

I'm not entirely sure anyone who applies a blur to anything would want a prettifying border around it - therefore, why isn't the protect alpha the default behaviour?


This isn't new to 2.4 beta though. Affects APh 2.3.1 as well.

To work around it, you can for example stretch the edge pixels via Mesh Warp like this:


MacBookAir 15": MacOS Ventura > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // MacBookPro 15" mid-2012: MacOS El Capitan > Affinity v1 / MacOS Catalina > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // iPad 8th: iPadOS 16 > Affinity v2

25 minutes ago, AP- said:

If you apply a live mask to an object in Publisher (and probably also Designer - I have not tried) - it has the desired effect.

Hm… not in 2.3.1. The edge blur is always there, in APu, ADe, APh. Unless you apply it to an image cropped by a picture frame.

MacBookAir 15": MacOS Ventura > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // MacBookPro 15" mid-2012: MacOS El Capitan > Affinity v1 / MacOS Catalina > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // iPad 8th: iPadOS 16 > Affinity v2


Thank you.

I thought of a similar thing. Except my fix would be to increase the canvas size, then apply a crop. The blur would then effectively be outside the visible area. Unfortunately these solutions only apply to large areas.

And I have discorvered another weird bug while playing with this. :')

Will crosslink in a second.

1 minute ago, AP- said:

my fix would be to increase the canvas size, then apply a crop

That was the first thing I tried as well. No go. :D 

MacBookAir 15": MacOS Ventura > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // MacBookPro 15" mid-2012: MacOS El Capitan > Affinity v1 / MacOS Catalina > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // iPad 8th: iPadOS 16 > Affinity v2

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