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The new Spiral Shape Tool is great! I was wondering if we could benefit from a Concentric Circles Shape too! There is a similar function in InkScape, and, while I have figured out a methodology in Affinity Designer, I reckon it would be a good idea to be able to have a Concentric Circles Shape to begin with an alter... How would I alter it? Well, I should be able to select any circle and treat it like I would the Donut Shape, change the ends to be rounded, angular, pointed, etc. I'd change the rotation of each circle, and so on. 

What do you reckon?


How would you “change the ends [of a circle] to be rounded, angular, pointed, etc.”?

Circles don’t have “ends” as far as I’m aware, unless I missed a recent memo.

Can you give one or more visual examples of what you would like to make?

P.S. If you are a Windows user you might be interested in this little app which, among other things, allows you to easily create concentric circles:



I wonder if Power duplicate could help you?

  1. Draw an ellipse
  2. Duplicate it (menu Edit or cmd/ctrl J)
  3. Transform it (e.g. drag one of its bounding box corner, with cmd (ctrl on Windows?) key down if you like to keep it centered)
  4. Duplicate again

If you like you can do it with another shape. 

Here, I converted my ellipse to curves, used the Node tool to create a sharp node and moved it to create a musselshell-like form: PNG50-Capturedcran2023-12-0312_37_16.png.cc85cb715cb48a1792cf9058d81c183a.png


Or here, I used the "camembert" tool (Pacman shaped) — with all the contextual tools you want —  then rotated and scaled it down, then duplicated: 



Affinity Suite 2.5 – Monterey 12.7.5 – MacBookPro 14" 2021 M1 Pro 16Go/1To

I apologise for any approximations in my English. It is not my mother tongue.

18 hours ago, Transrobotism said:

Concentric Circles Shape too! There is a similar function in InkScape

Briefly looking up some online tutorial videos, it appears to be made with the "Interpolate" function. The tutorials seem to indicate that this is a rather cumbersome workflow.

Within Affinity, this would be a job for the often requested and eagerly awaited (also by yours truly) "Vector Blend Tool".

10 minutes ago, Oufti said:

I wonder if Power duplicate could help

For some concentric shapes, the new Move/Duplicate dialog will also do.

Also the linear Spiral tool can create a specific concetric circle shape at 360° angle.

MacBookAir 15": MacOS Ventura > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // MacBookPro 15" mid-2012: MacOS El Capitan > Affinity v1 / MacOS Catalina > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // iPad 8th: iPadOS 16 > Affinity v2

37 minutes ago, loukash said:

Within Affinity, this would be a job for the often requested and eagerly awaited (also by yours truly) "Vector Blend Tool".

Agreed, if implemented that would provide a better (and much more flexible) solution for this particular problem than would a new shape tool.

53 minutes ago, loukash said:

For some concentric shapes, the new Move/Duplicate dialog will also do.

Indeed. It was what I meant in initially but my bookmarks were not up to date… so when I searched in the Help for its name, I didn't find anything, thus I remained with the ancient wording and way of doing. 

Here is the related help: 

https://affinity.help/publisher2/English.lproj/index.html?page=pages/ObjectControl/duplicate.html?title=Duplicating objects

Affinity Suite 2.5 – Monterey 12.7.5 – MacBookPro 14" 2021 M1 Pro 16Go/1To

I apologise for any approximations in my English. It is not my mother tongue.

1 hour ago, loukash said:

Also the linear Spiral tool can create a specific concetric circle shape at 360° angle.

^ I actually haven't finished this thought yet (we first wanted to go out for a "sunday walk" while the sun is still shining… :))

So, as noted, the linear or decaying Spiral tool with Arc Angle = 360° will create a very specific concentric circle shape with all circles aligned to one side.
To center the circles:

  1. convert to curves
  2. Layer → Geometry → Divide
  3. Layer → Alignment → Align Center
  4. voilà

Quite a fast and straightforward workflow, especially if you assign a keyboard shortcut to each required step.
If you need concentric rectangles, select all nodes of the converted circles and convert them to sharp nodes.

MacBookAir 15": MacOS Ventura > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // MacBookPro 15" mid-2012: MacOS El Capitan > Affinity v1 / MacOS Catalina > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // iPad 8th: iPadOS 16 > Affinity v2

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