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locked out - can't edit image or text box

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I'm having issues with being locked out, unable to edit random images or text boxes (when others are fine). Now I'm locked out of a Master header box as well, and the header that should be on the LHS is now on the RHS but I can't get in to change that. I can't select to edit.

In the layers panel, I've checked lock/unlock. I tried edit detached - no luck. Sometimes I've been able to unpin and then edit. Not always. I've tried closing and walking away for awhile. It's happening more frequently.  

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Any chance you can upload a file you are having problems with @MaxineD?

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7 hours ago, MaxineD said:

Now I'm locked out of a Master header box as well, and the header that should be on the LHS is now on the RHS but I can't get in to change that. I can't select to edit.

Possibly this is a confusion of master page objects with a 2-page master (facing pages). Those masters seem to transfer the object of their complete master spread even if applied to single pages only.


Accordingly, this might become more confusing if you have two different Master Page Spreads while they get applied differently to a right and a left documents page, for instance master A for the story in a book on page 2, master B for a chapter start on page 3.

Another source for confusion may happen if you move a single page of a spread to another spread. Then left and right master may be applied differently than content that got placed individually on a document's page before the page move.

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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Can't upload - it's not my book and it's 64MB. Going great most of the time (my 2nd book) but I seem to have corrupted quite a few bits by accident 🥲

Will check out the empty objects thought

and I'll try and figure out the Master page thing....  can't find anywhere that helps me understand all those things in the layers menu,,,  any links to tutorials around layers would be good probably - I find it all totally confusing. 


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