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Again, Spanish hyphenation, unusable / error-prone


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Answering to @rafa-cerezo in his question about Spanish hyphenation in AFPub v1 forum...

"Hi, everyone. Does anyone know if this issue has been addressed in V2 of affinity publisher? Thank you."

My answer, regarding version 2 was...

"Sorry but the Spanish hyphenation continues to be DRASTICALLY CATASTROPHIC in version 2

Is really unusable, and leads to a complete control and correction of the complete text.
Is really, again, ununderstandable because Spanish rules are clear, published, definite, with near no exceptions, and the amount of rules is small.

My personal solution is hours after hours of manual correction if the text is long.

I won't give examples because those have been given before, also because the errors are excessively evident, and because it appears to be a chronic disease in a good piece of software. So like a chronic patient, is better a good medical control than other drastic or imaginative solutions.

Resuming: version 2 is exactly so error-prone in Spanish hyphenation than version 1.




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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi @eluengo,

Thanks for your report and our sincerest apologies for the delayed response here. We are exceptionally busy following the release of V2 and we thank you for your continued patience and understanding here.

I have read the thread you are referring to and I can see that other users have found better results using the LibreOffice dictionaries that you can manually add to publisher, as outlined here - 

I have compared the LibreOffice file found above with the hyphenation dictionary provided with Publisher and I can see the LibreOffice version has many differences and additional entries that the default dictionary provided with Publisher does not.

Therefore I'll be requesting with our developers to see if we can package Publisher with the aforementioned LibreOffice file, or update our .dic file to be more in line with the LibreOffice file, which will hopefully provide better results.

In the meantime, you can manually install this dictionary using the above instructions - does this provide better results for you please? :)

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Oh no, my dear friends

Is neither elegant nor adequate to go for extra-app solutions.

AFPublisher is a so good piece of software that a extraneous solution is completely out of bounds.
(very good piece of sw, despite some/lot of small/no-so-small problems... 🤷‍♂️)

AFF should correct its own problems.

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I'm sorry @eluengo, I think you've misunderstood my reply.

I'm not suggesting that you should need to add a new dictionary using the above steps - I was providing this FAQ for context regarding our current implementation, and as an explanation for the file source that I am comparing with the Spanish Hyphenation which Publisher is currently provided with.

I have requested with our developers that we update the dictionary provided with Affinity, such that the built in Spanish Hyphenation is more robust in a future update, without the need to manually install a new dictionary.

I hope this clears things up. 

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