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Various problems (selections, disappearing images, wrap objects with layer effects, nonchanged images as changed, color palette)

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Dear developers,

I have found various bugs using Publisher v. 2.00, I had absolutelly no similar experience in v. 1.x

First, reccuring selection problems, on multiple machines:

  • selecting a previously drawn line (that is a curve object, not a primitive object) sometimes is impossible
  • selecting multiple curve points with the marque tool is not possible, I have to select one by one by clicking on them
  • selecting objects sometimes is very hard when a text objects is near to the object, the selection automatically jumps to texts elements even if they are not too near to the object

Disappearing images: yesterday I had a serious struggle in a document with multiple linked images, which disappeared, somehow I managed to reimport them, but it was tricky, the format was not particularly dangerous (transparent psd images saved with max compatibility), never had any issues similar to this beforehand

Unchanged images as changed ones: Publisher constantly tryes to make me believe that one or more linked images had been changed since closing and reopening the document, these times I had to update them. The files are on local ssds, but within an Icloud shared folder, never had any similar issues beforehand with v 1.x.

Wrap object with layer effect(s) applied: When I switch to Designer persona inside Publisher, and apply a wrap deformer, after this I revert back to Publisher persona, and try to apply a layer effect (for example drop shadows), the effect is applied only within a boxed area which is unusable and nonsensical, if I make this wrap object to a simple curve object then the effect works correctly.

Color palette problems: sometimes the palette reverts to cmyk sliders, it is a little irritating compared to v 1.x with which I never had any similar experience

Thank you for your attention. I hope these will be addressed very soon, because most of these are serious flaws in the new application. Anyway Publisher is my preferred tool in a lot of scenarios.

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I'm having the same problemas.

- psd files disappeared form files after exporting, strange parte is that not all psd files disappeared and could understand what was happening.

- now in Affinity Publisher, i can t select elements that a pasted from Affinity designer, i can only do so in the layer panel which slows down the process.

- having issues dragging and coping lines, horizontal lines no problem, but vertical lines is impossible, have to redo every time a need a new line.

- when i have to vector groups in the same page, one brought from designer and others created in publisher, i can t seem to select them all together, not even with select all.

I'm working on a doc with multiple facing pages, this is only happing on odd pages.

Am i missing something? theses are simple things, never had theses issues before?


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I have similar problems!

PSD files disappear. After opening the document it is still visible. Then after counting to 5 it disappears - very strange!

Link and empty box remains. After creating package, they returned again. After reboot again the same problem. 

My workaround is: Open the PSD file again in Photoshop, save as JEPG and insert it. I use TIF for transparent images.... :(

I hope for a quick solution. 

Roger from the Airbrush Step by Step magazine

PS/ Windows 11, Nvidia 3060Ti, Publisher V2

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I've looked into the issues you have listed:

Selection issues etc - I'm unable to recreate these issues, I'm thinking your issues are related to layer ordering? Selection will prioritise the frontmost layer. Use layer panel to select objects between layers behind specifically.

Disappearing images - This is a known bug, we're working to fix this.

Updating files - iCloud possibly making small changes/updating file during checking for changes (i.e. to say this file has been checked for an update), this would trigger the file as being changed. (it may be worth checking modified date on file info?)

Wrap object with layer effect(s) applied -  we're aware of this issue and we're hoping for a fix soon.

Color palette problems: sometimes the palette reverts to CMYK sliders - I'm unable to recreate this, have you unlocked the colorspace? (padlock next to the selection in the color studio panel)



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3 hours ago, LeeThorpe said:

Selection issues etc - I'm unable to recreate these issues, I'm thinking your issues are related to layer ordering? Selection will prioritise the frontmost layer. Use layer panel to select objects between layers behind specifically.

I think these selection issues may be known


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  • 7 months later...
  • Staff

The issue "Layer order affects object selection" (REF: AFP-5621) has been fixed by the developers in internal build "".
This fix should soon be available as a customer beta and is planned for inclusion in the next customer release.
Customer beta builds are announced here and you can participate by following these instructions.
If you still experience this problem once you are using that build version (or later) please reply to this thread including @Serif Info Bot to notify us.

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