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Transformation pivot jumps anywhere after once moved from selections center

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1. Make a lasso selection on a pixel layer in Affinity Photo (or Photo Persona in Affinty Publisher)
2.Switch to move tool (topmost black arrow tool) and turn on "show transformation pivot" in options bar
3. Move the pivot (blue crosshair in circle) to some place other than the center of the selection
4. Adjust the transformation and switch to lasso tool to do a different selection somewhere else
5. Switch to move tool again with activated "show transformation pivot"
6. The pivot is now hard to find. It jumped (randomly, as it seems) somewhere outside the selection. It can be detected by rotating the selection with the move tool and looking for the rotation center. In Publisher it sometimes even jumps to another page.

A "reset pivot to center" option doesn't seem to exist. Thus there's no other way than searching for the pivot each time after it has been moved from the selection center for an earlier selection.

It would be much better to reset the pivot to the selection center each time a new selection was made.

(Affintiy Photo Windows)

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8 minutes ago, chessboard said:

randomly, as it seems

To my observation the Transform Origin stays at the same place as it was after the first move.

Windows 10 / 11, Complete Suite Retail and Beta

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Not here. It is placed in a different place each time. It would still be understandable if the pivot for a new selection was set comparable to the positioning for the previous selection (i.e. relative to the selection position). Or if it would stay where it was placed for the selection before. But this is not the case for me.

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6 minutes ago, chessboard said:

I hope it understandable what I do. I just use Shortcuts to switch the tools and do deselect.

I get the same as shown in the video when in Preferences > Performance Hardware Acceleration is enabled.

Windows 10 / 11, Complete Suite Retail and Beta

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  • 1 year later...
  • Staff

The issue "Transform origin can randomly jump into a different location" (REF: AFP-5197) has been fixed by the developers in internal build "".
This fix should soon be available as a customer beta and is planned for inclusion in the next customer release.
Customer beta builds are announced here and you can participate by following these instructions.
If you still experience this problem once you are using that build version (or later) please reply to this thread including @Serif Info Bot to notify us.

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