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Issue: In (almost) Sir David Attenborough's voice with tropical birds in the background: One can see all kinds of exotics venturing about Affinity apps' custom shortkeys... Here is one rife with peculiarities. 'Toggle Full Screen' shortcut collides with... another 'Toggle Full Screen' shortcut... but that other one is unset... And for some reason – yet to be understood – doubled... Assigning 'Toggle Full Screen' shortcuts sometimes produces a brood of four or even five 'Toggle Full Screen' instances. All but one unset, colliding with each other in a desperate struggle for survival under a mildly irked eye of a nitpicky user...

Present in all Affinity 1.10.4 series products.

Expected behaviour: User assigns a 'Toggle Full Screen' keystroke and goes happy about toggling Full Screen on Affinity applications until he, she, et. al. falls righteously asleep, like a baby, delighted with so much Full Screen toggling done today.



Mac Mini M1, mac OS Sonoma


To add more references to this issue...

In freshly downloaded Betas, all Affinity for Mac products, before and after pressing 'Reset' shortcuts (just to be sure) I see the following:

  • 3 'Toggle Full Screen' shortcuts;
  • 2 of them the same, colliding with each other;
  • Default shortcut 'F' (that is there before and after pressing 'Reset') does not work.



Mac Mini M1, mac OS Sonoma

3 hours ago, Aleksandar Kovač said:
  • Default shortcut 'F' does not work.

F is not the default.

On my Mac OS 11.6.3 the system wide default is the Control + Command + F

I don't know why you are getting the two extras.

Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.


Thank you @Old Bruce. I have edited the post above to reflect that 'F' is not the default. I believed it was Affinity default since it was always there. Control + Command + F is my preference, too. Monterey (I believe) introduced system-wide Fn+F.

Now this becomes even stranger. I wonder where did 'F' shortcut come from? 🤔 Not my preference, it was there on the first start of new betas (two of them!) and it remained there after pressing 'Reset'.

Does anyone know if beta is pulling shortcuts from regular releases?


Mac Mini M1, mac OS Sonoma

  • Staff

Hi @Aleksandar Kovač,

I see the same as yourself, i've got 3 entries by default for toggle full screen and i can see why that is the case.  Also if i reset Affinity to its default state, toggle full screen still shows 3 times for me.  I'm checking with QA to see if there is a reason for this and will get it logged with the Dev team if need be, as something isn't right.

19 hours ago, Aleksandar Kovač said:

Does anyone know if beta is pulling shortcuts from regular releases?

No, the beta will be using its own shortcut file.  

  • 2 weeks later...

Also, I am unable to successfully assign (⌃⌥;) or (⌃⌥') in Publisher/View shortcuts to trigger Guides manager or Grid/Axis manager. Minus brackets, of course. The shortcuts are displayed fine in the input box but, once in the workspace they ignore and act like (⌥;) or (⌥').


Shortcuts like (⌃⌥S ) (⌃⌥. ) work.

No shortcut conflict registered.

Ignore modifier checkbox off.

Tested after clicking 'Reset' on Preferences panel AND after clearing using CTRL while starting the app.

Publisher Beta


Mac Mini M1, mac OS Sonoma

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