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Hi guys, 

Can someone solve this mystery for me? If I create an A4 image with 3 mm bleeds in Affinity Publisher I get exactly that. If I create an A4 image with 3 mm. bleeds in Affinity Designer I seem to get an A4 file, which CROPS 3 mm. bleeds off, not at all what I want and so utterly confusing (please use one system Affinity!). I just worked on a bunch of files in AD with settings A4 + 3mm. bleeds thinking I would get exactly that like in AP, but apparently not. Upon trying to put my AD files in AP I can see that there are no bleeds, just an A4 image. So weird! Am I going crazy, or is this really how Affinity is configured????? See attached file. 

Some consistency would be nice for the workflow! Now it's apparently like this:

AP: no bleeds possible, just margins

AD: Bleeds are cropped off document size

AP: Bleeds are added to document size

Can somebody enlighten me of this is really the case? Or did I miss some settings that I can use to have the bleeds added to my document in AD (besides manually adding 3 mm. to the document size for each side). 

Kind regards, 






AD bleeds problem Karina.afdesign

1 hour ago, Karina said:

Some consistency would be nice for the workflow! Now it's apparently like this:

AP: no bleeds possible, just margins

AD: Bleeds are cropped off document size

AP: Bleeds are added to document size

This is an excellent demonstration of why two-letter abbreviations for the names of the Affinity apps are a bad idea! Although it’s possible to work out which ‘AP’ is APh and which one is APub, it isn’t immediately obvious.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

9 hours ago, Wosven said:

Did you checked "Bleed" when exporting your document to PDF? Because there's bleed when exported.


Thanks for the input. The thing is, there are bleeds as I mentioned above, but the document is not the right size (which would be A4 + 3 mm bleeds all around). The bleeds are subtracted from the document size it seems. On top of that, I don't need to export it as a PDF out of Designer, I need to put the whole Designer document into Publisher and export the whole calendar as a PDF for the printing company from there. And if you do that, the document size is not what it should be either, rendering all my files useless. I remember this happened to me before. Which is why I stopped using Designer as much as I could. My file looks terrible bye the way without the fonts I used, not a good look... ;-) 

9 hours ago, Wosven said:

And don't forget to display margin (View > Show Margins), to view the bleed while working.

Yes, I did that, thank you. So that can't be the problem. 

9 hours ago, Alfred said:

This is an excellent demonstration of why two-letter abbreviations for the names of the Affinity apps are a bad idea! Although it’s possible to work out which ‘AP’ is APh and which one is APub, it isn’t immediately obvious.

Yeah, I can see that now. Sorry. Glad it was clear what I meant anyway 🙂

1 hour ago, Wosven said:


Your document is an A4.

Uncheck another option:


The black line is your margin, not the document' size. Once "Clip to canvas" unchecked, you'll have all the areas limits displayed



Thank you. I did this, but the document is still not the size it should be with the settings used. It's A4 like you say, without the extra 3 mm. bleeds I used to setup the document and that I need so desperately.  I think I will have to go to plan B and fix it as it won't work this way apparently. Thanks for the input.    


In case anyone is interested, this is what I did to fix the problem: 

Go to file -> document setup, page preset -> custom. Enter the size of your document PLUS the bleeds (So A4 with 3 mm. bleeds will be 216 x 303 mm.). Choose rescale and press ok. Your document is now the right size including bleeds, and fits seamlessly in your Publisher document.

It's really odd and inconsistent though that in Designer the bleeds are subtracted and in Publisher added to your document size. Can this be fixed in the next update please? 



1 minute ago, Wosven said:

Your document is an A4, I don't know what you're checking, but it's wrong.


Yes, of course it is A4 my dear, but if you check the bleeds they are 3 mm. and they should be added to the document size like in Publisher. But in Designer they are subtracted instead of added. Both options are fine with me, but consistency would be nice!  

8 hours ago, Karina said:

I need to put the whole Designer document into Publisher and export the whole calendar as a PDF for the printing company from there.

Is the document you supplied giving you trouble when you place it in an A4 Publisher document? Use the context menu after placing to show the Maximum Content or Bleed Box




Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.

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