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Keyboard shortcuts to switch windows (and/or tabs)

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The standard OSX keyboard shortcut to switch between windows in an application is ⌘> and ⌘<, respectively. In AD these shortcuts are reserved for text size increase/decrease and there is no way to change that, by the way (these “hooks” are missing in the preference panel, there is just Size > Precise Bigger/Smaller). I would like to use the standard keyboard shortcuts to switch between windows in separated mode, too. And perhaps this could be extended to tabs (in both modes), i. e. in the single window mode the shortcuts would switch between tabs and in separated mode it would switch between tabs in a single window until the last tab is active, and then it switches to the next window (or reverse in the reverse direction). How does that sound?

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The standard OS X keyboard shortcut to switch between windows in an application is the  + ` (the tilde symbol). Which OS X applications use the ⌘ + >? Safari, Text Edit, etc use the  + `. The older versions of Affinity Designer used a different keyboard command but the newest beta uses the  + ` to switch between windows in an application. 



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Sorry, I have never used a German keyboard layout but it must be different from the English keyboard layout then.  I didn't see it as an option in the keyboard mapping in the beta but maybe they could add it to the choices (or maybe it is there and I just didn't see it)? 



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The way to switch documents in any Affinity product is Control + TAB (⇥), or Control + Shift + TAB (⇥) to go in reverse. In the latest MAS release Command + Tilda (⌘`) can also be used to switch views at the request of some of our users. In the latest beta (and so will be available in the next MAS release), you can customise this shortcut for Command + Tilda (⌘`) to anything you like. :)

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