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Artwork for greetings cards

William Overington

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As a result of the suggestion by @AdamStanislav I have just tried drawing a polygon with the Pen Tool.

I selected the shape and then I used the node tool and I found, to my great delight, that the coordinates of the point are displayed in the X and Y parts of the Transform Panel, with width and height displayed as zero.

I did not realize that before. And accurate placing is possible. Wow.

I wonder what happens if one tries to fill a drawn shape that has a loop.



Until December 2022, using a Lenovo laptop running Windows 10 in England. From January 2023, using an HP laptop running Windows 11 in England.

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6 minutes ago, William Overington said:

I wonder what happens if one tries to fill a drawn shape that has a loop.

The result will depend on whether the Fill Mode is set to ‘Alternate’ or ‘Winding’. Try it and see!

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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5 minutes ago, Alfred said:

The result will depend on whether the Fill Mode is set to ‘Alternate’ or ‘Winding’. Try it and see!

Well, I had just tried a rough sort-of-polygonal shape with crossover and found it filled the main bit but not the hole.

But I did not know about Fill mode so I need to look that up.



Until December 2022, using a Lenovo laptop running Windows 10 in England. From January 2023, using an HP laptop running Windows 11 in England.

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An interesting thing to remember is that Affinity Designer is working in (upside down) Cartesian coordinates, not polar coordinates.

So, if one evaluates r for a value oif theta, one needs to calculate x and y, from

x= r cos(theta)

y= Q  - r sin(theta) where Q is some constat value, for example, 1000

Microsoft calculator in Scientific mode is helpful.

Here are values of the rounded value of one hundred times cos(theta) and the rounded value of one hundred time sin(theta)

theta is in degrees

theta C S

 0 100 0

15 97 26

30 87 50

45 71 71

60 50 87

75 26 97

90  0 100




Until December 2022, using a Lenovo laptop running Windows 10 in England. From January 2023, using an HP laptop running Windows 11 in England.

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How to pronounce the word limaçon.

I first met the wordl limaçon in the 1960s.

It was in a book.

A Book of Curves by E. H. Lockwood

So I pronounced it as it looked to me at the time.

So basically

Limmer followed by 'song' without the letter g.

I am now thinking that perhaps it should be pronounced like the Capita;l of Peru followed by a French waiter who is not at a railway station.



Until December 2022, using a Lenovo laptop running Windows 10 in England. From January 2023, using an HP laptop running Windows 11 in England.

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1 hour ago, William Overington said:

So, if one evaluates r for a value of theta, one needs to calculate x and y, from

x= r cos(theta)

y= Q  - r sin(theta) where Q is some constant value, for example, 1000

Microsoft calculator in Scientific mode is helpful.

Affinity Designer can do the calculations for you.

Affinity Designer Help: Expressions for field input

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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6 hours ago, William Overington said:

Limmer followed by 'song' without the letter g.

Sort of. According to wikipedia the pronunciation is ˈlɪməsɒn. That is the common English pronunciation. The French pronounce im as a nasal sound, which I know how to pronounce, but do not know how to transcribe phonetically. They also tend to stress the last syllable of every word (which is the exact opposite of what we do in Slovak, where we stress the first syllable, except when the word is immediately preceded by a preposition, in which case we pronounce both as if they were one word, so we stress the first syllable of the preposition).

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9 minutes ago, AdamStanislav said:

The French pronounce im as a nasal sound, which I know how to pronounce, but do not know how to transcribe phonetically.

Please see: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/limaçon#Pronunciation

Alternativement: https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/limaçon#Prononciation

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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  • 3 months later...

Thus far I have only used three of the templates at the Papier website.


Full field portrait, full field landscape, full field square.

Apart from one photograph gathered from a webcam, none of the cards that I have produced are using photographs.

I am now looking at the other templates and wondering how I might apply them.

For example, I have been looking at this one.


As illustrated, it is a birthday card.

Yet customization allows four jpg images exported from Affinity Designer. Scaling and clipping are automated, clipping can be chosen by dragging the image either horizontally or vertically.

For example, four frames could be used to tell a short story.

This template has eight pictures, though some are clipped.


This template has three pictures, not all the same size.


I appreciate that with Affinity Designer one could set up such a displays as one image, and indeed produce other multipicture display, yet ready-to-use templates are helpful.





Until December 2022, using a Lenovo laptop running Windows 10 in England. From January 2023, using an HP laptop running Windows 11 in England.

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  • 1 year later...

HideReferring to an earlier post in this thread,

On 5/5/2021 at 9:59 AM, William Overington said:

So, with the recipe for sixty abstract emoji characters explained, there needs a method to use them.

For research purposes, and maybe for long-term practical use, a Mariposa System encoding can be used.


Suppose that we introduce two parameters, U (for upper) and L (for lower).

For question, let U=1

For pointer, let U=2

For indefinite, let U=3

For universal, let U=4

For negative, let U=5

For pointer nearby, let U=9, so that the same technique is used, but somewhat separate from the others as it is not part of that collection as such.

Let values of L go from 0 through to 9 for the lower parts in the order in which they are dissplayed in this thread, which is the same order as in the table in the linked document.

Then each of these emoji may be referenced by a code of the format


The figure 8 being chosen as it has both an upper part and a lower part.

So, for example, the abstract emoji displayed two posts previously, is encoded in The Mariposa System as


as the upper part has U=4 and the lower part has L=5 so, using %8 as the start of the sequence, the encoding is


An OpenType font with a suitable GSUB glyph substitution statement encoded as if the abstract emoji glyph is a ligature (using the OpenType liga table) gives access to the glyph in a suitable application program, with a graceful fallback display in non-OpenType applications or without use of a suitable font or with ligatures turned off..






By referring to the list linked from the following post earlier in this thread,


the glyph accessed by the code %845 can be found to have the meaning, when expressed in English, as follows.




Until December 2022, using a Lenovo laptop running Windows 10 in England. From January 2023, using an HP laptop running Windows 11 in England.

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