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Swatch Panel Menu Hidden By Swatches


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This has happened a couple of times today with AD 1.9.0. The swatches in the swatch panel, which I have docked in the lower right corner, hide the popup menu & Add Current Fill button. I can see that they're still there if I scroll the swatches - the menu pops up behind the colors.

UPDATE: I still have AD 1.8.6 and was able to reproduce problem with it as well.

Here is the panel with the menu hidden.


And here's scrolling to see it.



The only fix I've found so far is to quit AD and start it again. Dragging the panel up to make it bigger doesn't fix the problem.

Have reproduced it a couple of times now by switching from Swatches to Transform, which is docked in the same location & shrinks the panel, then back to Swatch, then drag the Swatch panel off to undock it, then back again to dock it. Menu lost.



The only other thing that has changed is that I changed from a 22" FHD monitor to a 24" QHD last night.

There you go.

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Hi skmwrp,

This is something we're aware of but have struggled with reproducing, however you said you're adding yours to the same group as the Transform Panel which is very short. Simply doing this has allowed me to reproduce it. I've passed these details over to development.


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Actually, the resizing of the Transform has always been something of a little irritation because it readjusts the entire column of panels, meaning things are not where you expect them. Personally, I'd prefer it stay the given size & show blank space underneath and not have everything jump around.

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