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[Publisher] Visual glitches on exporting PDF

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Hi all,

I hope I'm not being two much of a solicitor here, been posting quite a bit. I'm exporting my document now and although previously exporting PDFs has been a breeze, this particular time I'm experiencing problems : some of the images in it have blank squares in them, as if these parts had been simply erased with a perfectly square brush. See attached images. guide_extrait_capture is a capture from inside AP,  (as it should be), guide_extrait.pdf is my faulty export, and guide_extrait_master_page_background is my master page containing the faulty image, actually a regular photo with two effects : a gradient map (adjustment) and a gaussian blur (live filter). so as to appear as a light shade behind the page content.


edit another issue I'm having is that text is being rasterized, I don't want that. All relevant export options seem to be set, so I don't know where to look.




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Hard to tell. Best would be if you upload the faulty APu document here. Reduce it to the pages you have shown here.

Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

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2 hours ago, Joachim_L said:

Hard to tell. Best would be if you upload the faulty APu document here. Reduce it to the pages you have shown here.

Thanks. I've been trying to, but deleting pages crashes AP instantly... is there another way ?

I could share it in its entirety I guess, but I'm not comfortable with doing that publicly. Can I DM you ? I'll see if I can embed the images in the document.

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Perhaps a complete screenshot of your Layer panel could help. Anyway APu should not crash while deleting pages. Ask a moderator for a private upload link to examine what is wrong with your document. Another option: Try the beta of APu to see if you are getting better results.

Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

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2 hours ago, Joachim_L said:

Perhaps a complete screenshot of your Layer panel could help. Anyway APu should not crash while deleting pages. Ask a moderator for a private upload link to examine what is wrong with your document. Another option: Try the beta of APu to see if you are getting better results.

I'll do that ! Meanwhile here's a capture of the layers from my master page.

New development : every time I export, the "blank blocks" are in a different place. Seems like APu is struggling during the export, in this case it wouldn't have much to do with the structure of my file. Maybe I should rasterize the live filters on my background image, see if it's not the cause of the problem. Hold on...


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Ok, I solved both problems and found as many bugs in the process. Who should I report this to ?

1. the blank blocks were indeed linked to my master page's background images having live filters/adjustments on them. I rasterized them and the problem is gone.

2. what's also solved is my exported PDF having rasterized text - it's now actual text, made of glyphs which can be selected. And for some reason it was solved by the process described above.

Here is the old file (glitchy on PDF export) : https://we.tl/t-TcIkcuuc4z  -and here is the new file (working fine, only difference is I rasterized the pictures on the master page "page_double") : https://we.tl/t-0PTOCzWhBK

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8 hours ago, Gabe said:

Is your Preferences > Performance > OpenCL Hardware Acceleration ON or OFF in 

It was off. actually APu was not even set to use the GPU (it was set to the intel integrated GPU). When I tried activating it (after setting it to the actual GPU) it popped up a message saying I need to be running at least Windows 10.0.19042 (I have no idea what mine is, attached is a capture of the "winver" dialog) and a recent graphics card : mine is a GTX1660Ti, I would expect it to qualify ?

Thanks for your help. In any case, these settings should not tamper with exports. As I understand it they're only supposed to improve viewing/navigation performance.winver.jpg.96d66487f72b07cddc670922406c2d88.jpg

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  • 5 months later...

I too am having the same problem in Affinity Photo. I even tried exporting as a .png then uploading it to Affinity Designer and exporting as a pdf from there.


What am I doing wrong the file is a CMYKA/B and I am am trying to export to pdf (flattened but nothing but a blank pdf)



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