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Affinity Publisher: Capitalisation, Functionality discrepancies and translation errors

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The management of capital letters and uppercase is poorly managed. The French translation is also erroneous, that it leads to misunderstanding.

Reminder of definitions:

There seems to be a confusion between capital letters (rules of orthotypography) and uppercase (glyph).

  • abcde : The lower case letters are used for writing the usual letters. They are also called minuscule letters.
  • ABCDE : The upper case letter are used for writing the large letters. It is not a capital letter wich is an initial location determined by the rules of orthotypography, which in most cases is realised as a uppercase. They are also called majuscule letters.
  • abcde : A small capitals can be used to mark the emphasis of words without them appearing too large in relation to the other words, so as not to break the harmony of the text and in particular to maintain the typographical grey. They are useful as a substitute for ordinary capital letters, but also for italics or bold, when they are not appropriate. Their use changes according to spelling conventions. They are called "small caps" in some desktop publishing or word processing software (Microsoft Word, OpenOffice and LibreOffice), but other software (Adobe InDesign, QuarkXPress) differentiates between "small caps", which are minuscule letters turned into small capitals, and "small majuscule", which are majuscule letters turned into small capitals.

Divergent features:

"Title case" of Affinity Publisher does not comply with the orthographic rule. It should put non-essential words in lower case and others in upper case. Example: "the queen of the united kingdom" should become "The Queen of the United Kingdom". This has been confused with the "Name case". 💬 More: English Title Case Converter.

"Sentence case" It should only put a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence. "The Queen" should not become "The queen".  💬 More: Sentence according to Wikipedia.


A complete sentence has at least a subject and a main verb to state (declare) a complete thought. Short example: Walker walks. A subject is the noun that is doing the main verb. The main verb is the verb that the subject is doing. In English and many other languages, the first word of a written sentence has a capital letter. At the end of the sentence there is a punctuation mark depending on whether it is a statement, a question, a command, a request or an exclamation.

The beginning of a sentence is delimited by the beginning of the text, the beginning of a paragraph, or the end of a previous sentence. The end of a sentence is delimited by a full stop (or an exclamation mark, or a question mark, or suspension marks, or a colon) or an end of line.

Correction of the French translation:

and reminder of the expected result based on the following original text:

Maxime Chattam. 💬Note the 2 capitals and the small capitals, then the full stop.

the queen of the united kingdom 💬Note the absence of full stops and capital letters.

la petite ours et la voie lactée. 💬Note the full stop and the absence of capital letters.





6 cœurs, 12 processus - Windows 11 pro - 4K - DirectX 12 - Suite universelle Affinity (Affinity  Publisher, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo).

Mais je vous le demande, peut-on imaginer une police sans sérifs ?

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Hi Gabe.

Are you sure that this message should be posted in the Features and Comments forum and not in the Bugs forum?

Unless you also think that in a clothing catalogue, photos of gloves and socks are interchangeable.


😁Here, when the functionality and the term used to name it don't match at all, either one or the other should be changed quickly. This is not a simple improvement to be made when there is time, but rather to be corrected quickly.

6 cœurs, 12 processus - Windows 11 pro - 4K - DirectX 12 - Suite universelle Affinity (Affinity  Publisher, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo).

Mais je vous le demande, peut-on imaginer une police sans sérifs ?

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3 hours ago, Pyanepsion said:

Here, when the functionality and the term used to name it don't match at all, either one or the other should be changed quickly. This is not a simple improvement to be made when there is time, but rather to be corrected quickly.

This should be posted in the bugs forum and not in the features & feedback forum. 😉

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