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AD : Transforming by percentage

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Thank you, Jim

Tried it, the object jumps all over the place, changing position as well as size.

I tried with and without the link activated, anchor point in the center, as well on all 4 corners. result is the same:

Object changes size, but jumps all over.

What more can I do to prevent it from jumping every which way ?

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Hi catlover,

Make sure the the top-left anchor is selected in the Transform panel.

Then write *50% (for example) after the existing value in the width input field to scale the object's width to half. The link icon must be disabled, so only the width is affected.

If you enable the link icon, both width and height dimensions will be affected.

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It's working fine here.

Go to the width field and write *50% after the  44,2 mm value (ncluding the asterisk and the percent sign). Make sure the link icon is enabled and press Enter.

If you are referring to the with of the lines not being reduced proportionately, before doing the step above, select the object go to the stroke dropdown on the context toolbar and make sure Scale with object is selected. Then perform the first step.

Let me know if you still have trouble.


Here's a small clip.

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