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Payment problem

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I tried twice to buy Photo and designer and each time, I authenticate my purchase with a code transmitted by my bank. I switch to the site https://centinelapi.cardinalcommerce.com/V1/TermURL/Overlay/CCA with shows HTTP ERROR 405.

I don't know if these two purchases have been validated or not, twice.
Is this a problem with my antivirus?


thank you for your reply,

Valérie K.

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I having the same problem.  I purchased Photo and Publisher with no problems but when I attempted to purchase Designer I was told it required 3 D authentication.  I'll take any assistance you can give me.

Please let me know.

Thank You

Ronnie Keith


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Good morning, I just made the purchase of Affinity Publisher, when making the payment It was rejected by the affinity  webpage, however this payment was charged by the bank.
I ask for your help, and already send an email with my personal information, but I really appreciate your help, please!
Edited by JMARTIN
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Good Afternoon i just tried to buy Affinity Publisher with the same result. My card was charged but the website rejects the payment. Help please.

4 hours ago, JMARTIN said:
Good morning, I just made the purchase of Affinity Publisher, when making the payment It was rejected by the affinity  webpage, however this payment was charged by the bank.
I ask for your help, and already send an email with my personal information, but I really appreciate your help, please!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Affinity send me an email.

"The two payments were refused and so have not been charged. Any pending charges on your account will not be permanent and will definitely drop off within the next few days."  That was 10 days ago. And Still is charged

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47 minutes ago, aqcohen said:

"The two payments were refused and so have not been charged. Any pending charges on your account will not be permanent and will definitely drop off within the next few days."  That was 10 days ago. And Still is charged

That is something you will need to discuss with your bank or card issuer.  Serif have no control over how long your bank/card issuer takes to remove the charge on your account.


Win 10 Pro, i7 6700K, 32Gb RAM, NVidia GTX1660 Ti and Intel HD530 Graphics

Long-time user of Serif products, chiefly PagePlus and PhotoPlus, but also WebPlus, CraftArtistProfessional and DrawPlus.  Delighted to be using Affinity Designer, Photo, and now Publisher, version 1 and now version 2.

iPad Pro (12.9") (iOS 17.4) running Affinity Photo and Designer version 1 and all three version 2 apps.

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  • 11 months later...

Salve atutti

Ho finalmente risolto il problema dell'acquisto del progremma 

Il problema era l'antivirus Kaspersky che apriva il pagamento in una nuova finestra sicura.

Disabilitando la finestra il pagamento e andato velocemente a buon fine 

Attenzione non ho disabilitato l'antivirus ma solo la finestra.

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