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Posted (edited)


If I display my lists of Master Pages and Pages like this:


And then click the disclosure triangle next to Master Pages...


The Pages list (undisclosed) drops right to the bottom of the panel, even if (as here) I only have one master page set up. The first couple of times this happened I thought the Pages list had disappeared.

Disclosing the Pages list bounces it back up to the top of the panel:


Just seems like a slightly weird bit of interface: I would expect the top of the Pages list to be displayed immediately below the Masters list, even when undisclosed.



Edited by h_d
Added what I would expect to happen.

Affinity Photo 2.5.3,  Affinity Designer 2.5.3, Affinity Publisher 2.5.3, Mac OSX 14.5, 2018 MacBook Pro 15" Intel.

10 hours ago, h_d said:

I would expect the top of the Pages list to be displayed immediately below the Masters list, even when undisclosed.

Yes, that would be much better! :)

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