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Found 18 results

  1. I cannot put an inside outline on a layer that a topaz plugin has been applied to. Doesn't matter if its photo, denoise or sharpen ai. Please see attached files. bug report on layer effects and topaz plugins.afphoto computer info.txt
  2. I use Topaz B&W, V2.1.1 as a plug-in in for Affinity Photo, version The issue is that if I select a style e.g. Stylized collection, Painterly color in Topaz B&W and click o.k. to go back to Affinity Photo, the result in Affinity looks different as in Topaz B&W. The Painterly style is less strong in Affinity as it looks in Topaz B&W. What do I wrong?
  3. Hi When I select the topaz clarity plugin from filters in Affinity photo when it opens the colours become very de-saturated in the plugin. This doesn't happen when I launch the plugin from Photoshop. Is anyone else having this problem?
  4. If like me, you are not that switched on when it comes to configuring Topaz plugins for use on a Mac look at this article in the Topaz forum: http://discuss.topazlabs.com/t/topaz-plugins-with-affinity-on-osx/3850/6?u=nick
  5. Hello, I can’t thank you enough for the wonderful software you guys have created. I’m glad to inform you that I have successfully and delightfully moved my entire workflow from Photoshop on the Mac to AP on the Ipad pro. The one feature I miss though is being able to use the Topaz Detail plugin for skin smoothening. I’ve tried various workarounds for smoothening, but nothing quite gives me the same result. Is there a way I can install the plugin on the IPad version of AP cheers Zaheer
  6. Flaming Pear's Flood -- There is some slight improvement over the current official release, but Beta 5 still does not render application of the plugin correctly. Topaz Labs -- B&W Effects, Clarity, Clean, Detail and Star Effects work correctly in my tests. However, plugins which Topaz has recently upgraded, do not work in Beta 5. I used PhotoLine 20 as my non-Photoshop control editor. That app runs all of the above-referenced plugins. Bob
  7. From today (April 11th) until April 16th, 40% off any Topaz software store-wide. Topaz Labs makes highly-effective tools such for common post-processing tasks such as noise reduction, color enhancement, black and white conversion, masking, and more. To take advantage of this deal, simply head over to the https://www.topazlabs.com/store and use the coupon code SPRING40 at checkout.
  8. I love Topaz Lab and i wait for this plugins for AF-Photo Windows. Armin
  9. Here is something I processed in Affinity then tried the Topaz plugin Simplify.
  10. Doing some further testing with Topaz plugins I have come across a repeatable and widespread issue with colour artefacts appearing in extreme highlight areas after an image has been processed with most of the Topaz suite of plugins. So far I have found the issue in Adjust, Clarity, Black and White, and Detail. I have the latest releases of all of these plugins. I am attaching 3 files, the first showing the source image, the second the preview from Adjust, a the third the resulting image in Affinity. These are all crops from a larger image. Source PEF upload was prohibited.
  11. I have installed Topaz and Akvis plugins via the Affinity preferences screen. I know they'll only work at the moment in 8 bit but the individual plugins are greyed out if I try to use them on a tiff file. They're ok with jpegs but all my raw conversions are saved as tiffs. Also portrait images from my I-Pad open in the plugins as landscape; i.e. they are rotated by 90 degrees. All of the above work perfectly in Photoplus X8
  12. I have recently switched from Photoshop to Affinity Photo, and I'm very pleased so far. There is one item missing, however: support for Topaz Remask. I've used it in Photoshop for several years to select elements in a layer, and I have found that it gives me a cleaner selection much faster than any of Photoshop's built-in tools. The difference really in night and day for me. So, I'd like to ask that you consider adding support for Topaz Remask to AP's plugins feature. Unless, of course, AP has a built-in capability comparable to Remask. If that's the case, please let me know--I haven't been able to find it. Thanks.
  13. I am making a determined effort to wean myself off of Adobe Creative Cloud, (Lightroom & Photoshop) and replace them with Affinity Photo but I am worried about losing the ability to use Photoshop plugins, (Nik & Topaz Collections) if I unsubscribe from Adobe Creative Cloud. Am I right to assume that if I do unsubscribe from CC it will not affect my usage of the plugins in Affinity Photo? Many thanks for advice. Andrew-Bede
  14. I have received the latest Topaz Denoise 6 Photoshop Plugin and tested it in Affinity Photo. Result: it works nice with Affinity Photo. Affinity Photo still marks it as unknown plugin. However, it works. Best regards BlauerClaus
  15. Topaz Denoise is one of the good examples of how PhotoShop Plugins can work in Affinity Photo. Please make it a "known" plugin. Until 1.4.1, it is remarked as "unknown". Best regards BlauerClaus
  16. Hey, I have installed Topaz Adjust 5, but when I try to use it, I get following message: IPC memory in use or picture to big. The picture is 650x450 px. Please help. STKN
  17. I am a happy user of AP. The only thing not allowing me to stop using Photoshop is the plugin functionality. Is there any information when we can expect plugins to work, at least Nik collection, Topaz and Macphun. For me some of the Topaz plugin works but only once if I try them twice they will crash, also for the NIK some work some do not (and there seems to be a color difference from what I see within the plugin and the result being sent in to AP). I wish for on1 plugins but that may be more difficult if I understand correctly, but on a positive note the claim on their blog the they do not work with AP at the moment - maybe that will change. Bottom line, does anyone now the status of plugin support?
  18. I hope there is only a setting or something missing I tried to add the folder in settings of my adobe photoshop filters If my Photoshop Topaz plugins do not work in this program is totally useless for me and please refund my purchase from Appstore Stefan
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