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Found 11 results

  1. Also I really want to be able to feather masks (as I am able to in Photoshop's mask properties). Right now I can apply a Gaussian live filter to the mask but it just doesn't create the same effect I'm after. Please take a look at this video - I want to be able to do this exactly. What ends up happening is that I end up vignetting the whole image.
  2. I’m trying to figure out how to feather a brush, or add feathering to a current brush. The hardness/softness control doesn’t work as expected, if like most professionals, you’re coming from photoshop. 100% soft is not soft at all when using a basic brush, there is still a hard edge between stroke and empty. I especially use a feathered brush when painting masks to blend 2 objects. Please explain how to add feathering to a brush, if this is possible, meaning I’ve missed something. If it’s not possible please, please, for all the professionals coming from photoshop, add this feature immediately. Out of all the amazing features Affinity offers, I’m surprised such a simple but intensely used feature was missed. Thanks!
  3. Is there a way to feather the edges of an object or pixel layer in Designer or Photo yet? I just want to, for example. fade the edges of a triangle in a way that follows the shape of the traingle. The only option I'm currently aware of is the limited options using the gradient tool/masking in photo or the transparency tool in Designer, which both only let you do a straight, radial, or conical gradient rather than feathering according to the edges of your object. This seems like a really simple thing? Is it not in the program or am I just missing it?
  4. How does one feather the edge of an object in Affinity Designer. I'm seeing a smudge tool that kind of gives me what I want but I really want something that does a feather evenly around the entire object?
  5. So I was working on some photos the other night and my app completely crashed while I was trying to select something with the freehand selection tool with my feather set at 1 and the magnetic option on. Ever since I cannot locate the menus to use those settings at all
  6. Indesign has a basic feather tool to soften edges in pictures. I am addicted to this tool. Is there anything comparable in Affinity? I cannot find it if there is. Please help! and thank you in advance. (If there isn't one available, can there be one made?)
  7. When trying to make a 4 photo collage, I wanted to find an easy way to feather the edges of the photos together, without having to start drawing shapes and be precise (to speed up workflow). I did find a work-around for it, though not very practical or speedy. But, in searching, I stumbled upon something that could be improved. When using the Live filter: vignette, the effect still applies to the whole document, even when the filter is linked to only one of the layers, as you can see in the screenshot. What are your thoughts? Have I maybe skipped a step somewhere? Also, does anyone know a good way to quickly feather edges of a layer? Only the edges I choose though. If I did not skip a step: I suggest, to improve workflow and practicallity: A dropdown menu when applying a Filter where you can choose between "Full document" or "Selected layers", so you can choose to have it logically affect only the layers/area you need. Using my own document as an example, to only vignet the top right object/layer. As an extra suggestion: the option to quickly select a layer, to convert it to a smart object that you can edit in its own document. Perhaps an extra option in the Layers menu and when Right Clicking a layer to "Edit in seperate document" Which will automatically convert the layer to a smart object, create a new seperate document and allow you to edit seperately with no extra steps in-between. Live editing of the seperate document, where the adjustments directly transfer to the main project, would be a nice added feature, so you don't need to constantly close and reopen the smart object. Though, I see how that could be more difficult to implement. I've already run into the issue several times that I need the ability to edit a smart object seperately and have read of several others that have too, so I do see a need here that could be filled, at least in a more practical/intuitive way.
  8. It would be great if I could add feathering to the quick mask brush. Thank you!
  9. Both Photoshop and Affinity Photo use [ and ] to change brush size. This is very helpful alignment. It would be great if I could also change brush feathering in Affinity with Shift-[ (ie. '{') and Shift-]. Thanks!
  10. A tool that feathers the edge of any vector shape would be great. It would make masking of hard surface objects a lot simpler too. Also it would cut time when re-creating or balancing gradient filters on strongly curved lenses. For Designer it would just be a really cool tool to blend between shapes. Here's what The Foundry's implementation looks like.
  11. Well, duh! I was watching Affinity Designer tutorials this morning, something I must make more time for, and discovered the Transparency Tool with balloons tutorial. And there is the solution to my problem of not being able to feather the edges of photos to blend in with color-matched backgrounds. Once I get skilled with this tool, it will give me far more control than Illustrator's simple edge-feathering tool has. But the Elliptical type doesn't quite work the way I'd like it to, being that I often need to feather the edges of square or rectangular shapes. Linear works well, but then I have to make a copy of the photo for each edge I need to feather (usually two) and manipulate further in what should be a one-stop process. It seems to me that a logical place to add a feathering-type effect would be here to allow for both vertical and horizontal adjustment on a square or rectangular shape. Something like the Elliptical type but more squarish. Or maybe there is a way to adjust the Elliptical type to make it more squarish? I'll keep playing, but I wanted to let you know that this was a real relief to me to discover. Thanks, folks!
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