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Found 17 results

  1. One of the most tedious parts of finalizing a Publisher file for print is the last spell check. Inevitably, it flags all emails and URLs as unknown words. I have to go through all of these, ignoring or 'adding to dictionary' just to find the few outliers. Is there some way to tell Affinity to not bother with anything with an @? Or .com .net .org etc. in it?
  2. Dear, I requested the demo today and received the codes with the download link by email. But the link does not work. I have tested it with other email and always the same result. No function. So the demos can not be downloaded. Many thanks. Best regards Neo Solved. It works now. Strange.(-;
  3. Has anyone tried making a HTML email signature in Affinity?
  4. Hello I ordered the workbooks few day ago and I only got email with the order info and text that said that they will email me back when the order be dispatched someone know how long that supposed to take until the dispatch my package?
  5. My email address has changed from the one in use when I purchased my legacy Plus software. How do I contact you to tell you, so that I can access my software keys? My original email address was “kelvin@ op-tec.co.uk”. This no longer exists. A general support email address would be useful, rather than an open forum.
  6. Hello Guy's I'm a happy user of Affinity for a while now and recently I wanted to download your brand new publish software, but somehow my account email is not working. I recall being your software a year ago or so but I can't find login credentials this is problematic since I wanted not only to use publisher but also buy Affinity Photo? Is there any chance to get some help here or do I need to create a brand new account? Regards Marcin
  7. Idk im totally new to write on any kind of forum, so keep that in mind well to start off: My Xp-Pen 22E Tablet worked on Affinity photo this spring, but not any longer, when i got my setup back up and running.. i started to wonder if the patch is to blame, My first thought was to check if got the most recent patch, The second thought was to download previous verisions until a new patch arrives with my tablet issues fixed, unfortunatley i have no email registered on affinity photo... because i buyed it on Microsoft store... (the problem with my tablet and affinity is that the cursor get stuck on the left side and wont move horizontal, the tablet works fine in other programs) idk what to to... Thanks // Aurvandel
  8. I have suddenly, over the last few days, started to get emails notifying me of Affinity Forum notifications. I don't remember what I did to start this. How can I stop them. I just want to see notifications at the top of the Affinity Forum page like I used to. Here is a snip of my Notification Settings: John
  9. Looking for a work flow to email smaller images from iPad photo. Export for email?
  10. Photo is great, especially on the iPad. I’m using this when I travel and wanted a full featured editing app to use in conjunction with my My Passport drive, where I store as I travel. occationally I need to email a small version of an image to family. Selecting jpeg doesn’t allow me to make a much smaller version of an image! I want to go from 7k pixels to 600. ant help would be appreciated. thanks
  11. Just purchased Affinity online, I am installing it onto my Windows PC. During the install it comes to a point where you enter the product key(given at time of purchase) and your email. Both my key, and my email are correct and it is still saying they are not. what can I do?
  12. Hey, I've been having some problems since I bought Affinity. I bought it over the AppStore, but I never received an Email to actually make an account for the affinity store and therefore could not download it. I have been trying to find a solution, but I couldn't find one. If you could help me that would be great
  13. Dear Affinity Team I have tried to re-download your products which I bought last year. I still have the PayPal receipts, the saved password and login details to your site. But somehow neither my email nor my password are recognized on any of your associated sites (seriflabs, affinity). I tried to reset my password but it would not recognize my email. I am certrain I got the correct login-details because these are auto-saved in my browser, I also remember successfull login in with those details last year. I purchased both, Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer for Windows. Could I get some assistance regarding this? Is there an issue with your account management from 2016? My name is Jessica Helsdon. I re-registered now in hopes of it being a bug but still I do not see my purchases. I canprovide the Paypal receipts. Thanks in advance.
  14. I am trying to email pictures to people who want to see them but when i send them out they are in terrible quality. I am new to this program and have never really used any form of photo altering programs. i export the picture as a JPEG but when I send it, it has terrible quality. Can Someone HELP ME! I just want to send the pictures with the best quality. I have a mac if that affects anything
  15. I used to use Apple Mail as my default mail app and love the steps that were saved by using the share feature from within the Affinity apps. Since I moved to Postbox I have lost that feature. Email sharing works in Finder, Photos, Safari, etc to Postbox but will not work in Affinity to Postbox. I talked to the Affinity developers and I think they said that sharing works differently with Affinity? I would love it if someone could get this sorted out so I could share from Affinity to Postbox like could used to do with Apple Mail.
  16. i'm trying to get the free months trial, I've registered and the download email is not coming through, checked email this is correct. I've tried another pc with a different email address this is not coming through either? they are not in junk folder.
  17. It's been maybe a week-and-a-half/two weeks since I filled out the online request to be informed about the Grade UI kit. I thought maybe it wasn't available yet, but I've read some posts here that mention users have received links within 10 minutes or so of completing the web form. As my Mac mail isn't tremendously skilled at figuring out what I want it to label as junk, I always have to go through the junk folder to mark things as junk or not junk, so I'm fairly confident I would have noticed an affinity address in there. I did check to see if I'd typed my email into the form correctly be reentering my name/address, and the system told me that my email was already registered, so I must've typed in in correctly. Should I try to use a different email address or something?
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