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Found 16 results

  1. If you have macOS Monterey, Big Sur or macOS Catalina you may notice that our apps are taking 20+ secs to launch after starting your Mac from cold or after rebooting your Mac. However, subsequent launches should be fine. This issue has been logged with our developers but a workaround can be found here.
  2. I have a Macbook Pro 16 with lots of Ram. I updated to Big Sur and then latest Affinity for Big Sur. Now I sometimes have trouble selecting layers. I have to tap them several times. Also Affinity photo is much slower. Help!
  3. When I try to open a file or place an image I am not able to click on a folder, open, save, etc. I am able to hit return to select the button that has focus. I have found that other applications are having the same problem (MS Word, etc). STRANGE FIX: Resize the file selection window to allow for navigation. Weird.
  4. Current production version of Publisher, purchased from Serif store. macOS Big Sur, v11.2.1 Mac mini M1: 16GB RAM, drive only half full - so plenty of free space. Display: Samsung LU28R55 - 28.5-inch (3840 × 2160); directly connected via supplied HDMI cable to HDMI port on Mac mini. Launch Publisher directly (click on app in Dock, use Spotlight, Alfred, etc - as opposed to clicking an existing document) Dismiss the Welcome screen File > New Double-click, for example, A4 (problem also seen with A3 and A5 - I assume this will happen for many/all sizes) Observe randomly drawn artefacts, which vary each time this is repeated Double-click on the icon for Page 1 to clear the artefacts Quit, repeat. Was originally happening every time. This appeared pretty reliable - until I set out to make a nice recording for you. Then, of course, it occasionally worked properly. Changing resolution down from 3840×2160 to produce the following video seemed to prevent the problem. Returning to the highest resolution brought the problem back. I didn't try a Safe Boot, but the recording was produced after holding down the shift key at login to prevent a selection of utilities loading during this session. Of course, it also happens with a regular full login. The video shows the process repeated twice to demonstrate different artefacts. AP Screen Recording 2021-02-16 at 9.40.24pm.mov
  5. Running Big Sur on a 2017 27" iMac 3.4GHz with 24GB memory. Have been using Affinity Photo for over a year and updated to v. 1.9.0 from the App Store. Previously, everything worked fine for me on Mojave and Catalina. When I bring up a photo for processing and try to use adjustment layers, the sliders don't pop-up. Only way I can get them is to click multiple pre-sets, hope it pops up, then reset and go on may way. In some cases, the sliders never show. Have looked through the Preferences but found nothing that would apply. Any thoughts to solve this PITA would be much appreciated.
  6. Version 4 ICC files do not seem to work with MacOS 11 and Affinity Photo. After contacting the paper company and working through my problem, we discovered that using version 4 ICC files when printing from Affinity Photo produce an incomplete print. In my case just yellow and light cyan. They kindly sent me a version 2 ICC profile of the same file, and it worked. Has anyone else been having this problem? iMac MacOS 11.1 Epson SC P800
  7. I've been experiencing three issues related to the layers panel and layer selection ever since I updated to Big Sur. Firstly, when I have multiple layers selected and go to hide them all (by either clicking the checkmark or menu option), the last/bottom layer in layers panel will appear to be deselected even though it actually isn't and can still be manipulated along with the other layers that still appear selected. The second one is harder to describe and I haven't figured out what causes it yet (I think it might happen when quickly selecting between different layers in the layers panel, but don't quote me on that), but on multiple occasions I've had the current layer I'm working on appear to deselect itself (but like with the bug mentioned above, isn't and can still be manipulated). That layer, or any other layer, then can't be (re)selected, often thinking I want to change the layer name when I'm just trying to select it. It's like I'm soft locked out of the layers panel entirely. It isn't until I click an empty part on the canvas, to essentially to deselect everything and have nothing selected, am I able to work in the layers panel again. Lastly, when moving layers around in the panel, often times the layer I have selected won't move to its new location in the panel but the layer above or below it that isn't selected will be moved instead. It feels to me that I experience this more when I'm scrolling quickly through the layers while dragging a layer to its new spot in the panel and when I try to move a free layer into an group that's already been formed. Hopefully that all makes sense.
  8. After updating to macOS Big Sur you may notice that ICC profiles stored in ~/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/ are no longer available in Affinity apps. This issue has been logged with our developers. Please Note: If you're using Affinity Photo you can use File > Import ICC Profile to import your ICC profile into the app. If you're using Affinity Designer or Affinity Publisher, you can manually add these profiles into the app through finder. Please navigate to the below location, depending on app and install source - Affinity Store version: Affinity Designer: ~/Library/Application Support/Affinity Designer/profiles/ Affinity Publisher: ~/Library/Application Support/Affinity Publisher/profiles/ Mac App Store version ( Big Sur ) : Affinity Designer: ~/Library/Containers/Affinity Designer/Data/Library/Application Support/profiles/ Affinity Publisher: ~/Library/Containers/Affinity Publisher/Data/Library/Application Support/profiles/ Once added to this location, restart the Affinity app and you should find the profiles available.
  9. I recently purchased Affinity Designer (both MacOS and my iPad), along with additional brush packages (Christis comix, chalkiest) and when I import the brushes on either version, they do not show up in the brushes window. However, when I import the fineliner brush set, it works fine. Any suggestions? Thanks. /pkyancey
  10. Version 1.8.6 on Big Sur. of Photo: When I try to use the refine selection the preview does not show. I have tried to change it to any other options and it does not show anything either. Help please. Thanks.
  11. Working with Affinity Designer 1.8.6 on Big Sur 11.0.1 I am having trouble with the Page borders. Opening a document I had assigned page borders before and checking the document settings they show up like not set at all. Then re-checking the button to use page borders, updating a single value and hitting OK will result in all the other values I had not updated disappear. This happens repeatedly. I only get all my page borders correctly if I overwrite each singe value in one session. How comes?
  12. Hi, Try to work with Affinity Designer latest version on my iMac 2019 i5 6 core 40 gig mem Radion Pro 580 X 8 gig with Big Sur. Only a small logo but it is impossible to click the layers or do any work. Regards, David
  13. Hi, I just exported a SVG with Affinity Designer in Big Sur all latest version and there is a error in the way the <tspan></tspan> is placed in the file. It implicates wrong spaces between fonts! I only noticed it in the website I made it for in a smaller size. You can't see it in a big size. I did the same export with Affinity Designer on Windows 10 and the result is different from the Mac one. The Windows 10 version spits out a file without errors. If someone from Affinity staff is reading this I can provide you the Windows and Mac file. Never had a problem in years with SVG and Designer on Mac! Regards, David
  14. I recently updated my Mac operating system and Affinity Designer. Since doing so, I've noticed that the selection boxes on things I click aren't in the right spot or they flicker and jump. The layers themselves move like normal, but the boxes are an issue and the software slowed way down. What should I do?
  15. Hi Affinity Team, I was so excited to see Affinity products on Apple's WWDC 2020 Platforms State of the Union screens multiple times. Congratulations to the Team! 1. PROBLEM At 14:05 we can see how Affinity Photo works seamlessly on macOS 11, however in reality the Toolbar doesn't work at all. We can not use any Toolbar's items and we need to use the shortcuts or the quick help to jump from one Persona to another. I know, I know... it's early macOS Beta with a totally new Toolbar functionalities. 2. QUESTION Yet I would like to know when Affinity start the new Beta period for those folks who are brave enough to test and use Affinity products on macOS 11 Beta system on a daily basis. I would be glad if I could sign up to this opening Beta program because I desperately need to access to the Toolbar. Please, let me know how it is possible. Thank you! Looking forward to your respond and thanks again! Best regards, Robert App Developer and UI/UX Designer 3. UPDATE When I put Affinity in Full screen, suddenly all of the toolbar items work again. Hurray!
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