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Found 13 results

  1. Good evening, I have downloaded the latest version of Affinity Photo as a trial user. Upon installing and reviewing the welcome notes, I have tried to open a few images to experiment with. However; the app crashes each time I click "Open". I have searched for a fix via YT and this forum and believe this issue may be unique. I have updated and restarted my computer 3x and deactivated Hardware Acceleration in Preferences that seemed to help others resolve app crashes. Any guidance or instruction would be appreciated to fix the "Open" error.
  2. Currently I am going through all the features of APu one by one, well I am trying to. On my way I stumbled upon the "Name" and "Global" feature of Bullets and Numbering. But how can this be used? Does anyone has a sample document to look at and learn?
  3. Working on a hard bound full color book for a client that is looking to turn this 8x10 into eBook formats. I don't see a path forward at the moment. Searches here come up pretty limited, web searches say to copy/paste to Word..... Reddit's got nothing yet.. There has to be some workflow for doing this and please don't say export to PDF because that hard sets margins and creates basically a flip image book.
  4. Affinity Online Help Hello all, we're happy to be able to offer you an online version of the in-app help! Access Designer, Photo & Publisher Help here: https://affinity.help Here are some of the additional features we're able to implement as a result of having proper browser support: Dynamic language switching: The help will determine your language and (if it's available) serve you a localised copy of the help. If you prefer to read in another language, however, you'll find a combo box at the bottom left which will enable you to change languages—and stay on the page you're currently reading. Print: Sounds simple, but with full browser support we can now implement printing of the topic pages. The print icon in the bottom left will give you a nicely formatted printout of the current topic. Share: Clicking the clipboard icon will copy the current topic's URL to your clipboard, which means you can easily point other people towards topics that may help them. Responsive: The help was responsive anyway, including off-canvas menu functionality so you could collapse the window and still read a topic, but this is taken further in this version of the help. The help is formatted nicely and usable even on a 4" iPhone SE screen. Search: we've implemented our own bespoke search for the online help which is fast and accurate. Access it via the tab system along the top left. Favourites: you can add topics to your favourites list to easily access them during future browser sessions. Simply click the + (plus) icon next to the "Favourites" tab to add the current topic. With this online version you'll be able to print out topics and view them on your tablets/phones, which are two of the most common requests when it comes to help feedback. As always, if you have any feedback or find any issues with this online version, please let us know! Hope you find it useful.
  5. Hey guys, I really need your help. I don't know if I can tag the support staff from Publisher, or most experienced users. I would like to know if there's a way to make sequencing numbers automatically. I need to make a weekly planner, and put the days numbers in specific places on the facing spread. So it's the same spread, repeated 4 or 5 times (depending on the month), and the numbers go from 1-31 and then restart next on 1 for next month. I made a sketch (attached). So the litle circles are the fixed places on the spread that the numbers should go in to. The week starts on mondays and as an example I put this particular month starting on tuesday, so monday is 31 then the next number is 1. An so goes on. And that's it, I just really need to do this the fastest way possible. I already notice that I can copy-paste excel cells into a publisher table. But then I would have to copy paste on every spread, so it's easier to just type myself. Unless there's a way to make like a table that covers multiple spreads, and I don't think that's possible. Please, any suggestion is valid. I don't know all the possibilities of publisher, so I'm really hoping for your help. Also, if anyone has some sort of model or template that think I can adapt to my purpose, it would be more than welcome! Thanks guys <3
  6. Hey, I regularly create non-destructive compound path. I then want to use these as masks and clip other layers to them. When I drag a layer onto a compound path, the path gets included into the calculation, rather than being clipped. How can I change this behavior and use the Compound Path as a clipping mask? Thanks!
  7. I'm sure this is going to be a simple answer that I have just not been able to find for myself but I'm tearing my hair (what little there is left) out over this. How do I create custom document types and page presets that I can pick from the new document dialogue in Designer? I have never picked one of the builtin types, they are just not sizes I ever need to use but there are a couple of dozen other sizes I use a lot that I am forever having to look up the settings for as I switch between them. Blog featured image, facebook cover picture, icon, forum avatar, that sort of thing. I'd like to save them in their own document type, with their own page presets, I just can't find where I can add them.
  8. Hey all, I've been lurking on these forums for a while since I purchased Photo and Designer. I've also been using Serif software since the early 2000's starting with PhotoPlus 6.0 I think. Loving the software and looking forward to all the new stuff in the works. I came across a problem with cropping an image on a single layer. Every time I would crop, it would crop the entire canvas. I played with the software a bit and was able to come up with a quick way to crop an image on a single layer without affecting the others. I don't know if this information exists somewhere else on this forum but I could not find it anywhere. Please see the video below if you're interested: If anyone has any other ideas for tutorials I'm open to suggestions. Thanks, Collin
  9. Full disclosure, I'm not suuuper experienced with design software, and I don't want to slog through project videos in case they answer this question. I searched the forums and didn't see anything about erasers, (and the advice for brushes was in a beta topic, and incomplete for a newbie like me.) While I have a goal of getting friendlier with the vector brushes, I tend to draw on paper with a pencil, then scan images and clean them in Designer (on a Windows 7 PC). I can't figure out how to make my eraser pressure sensitive with my Wacom intuos tablet. Or brushes, for that matter. I'm pretty sure it can be done, I chose this software over others because I read it would play with my Wacom, but finding the setting has NOT been intuitive. I'd assumed it would just BE a thing if I was in raster-mode, at least. Brush settings don't have any sort of sensitivity mapping that I can find. Do I need to turn it on from the Wacom software first? Is it buried in an obscure menu item? *Also, my pen has a weird "eraser" sensor on it's butt that the software doesn't acknowledge. Not a big bummer, since the thing is too wobbly for detail work, but weird. Sometimes I just want to flip it and go from drawing to erasing Big Mistakes like I did in Adobe or Manga Studio. Is there a down-key I can hold to temporarily change the tool from a brush to eraser?
  10. Hello, I'm trying to snip this logo out of a picture that i made and then smooth out the edges but i dont know how. I want to be able to edit the logo and make it look clearer. Please help me out. Logo attached. logo.tiff
  11. Hey guys, If you are fit in german or german based user, you can follow my channel on youtube, where I made tutorials for affinity now. The first video was about how to start with APhoto https://youtu.be/JdHa29RCfCk The second tutorial about RAW developing is online since few minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_d76jl6S8Gs Have fun and feel free to share your comments,likes and thoughts about it with me. cheers, seb :)
  12. Following the instructions of a video tutorial, the QUICK MASK selection failed. I would like to know the conditions under which quick mask will perform as illustrated. Under conditions I understand: image format, any other parameters that are essential for the operation to function.
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