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  1. Hello! I would love to use Affinity Designer for in our workplace. However, until certain features are in place, it would be impossible to do so. Will you be adding more "special" features to Designer in the future that compares to Illustrator?
  2. Hello! Inkscape has a feature that allows changing the location of the "focus point" of radial and elliptic gradients to make them non-symmetrical which allows for creation of some amusing effects. Here's an example from Inkscape's official tutorial page (link): https://inkscape.org/ru/doc/tutorials/tips/tutorial-tips.html (Excentric radial gradients) It is described in SVG reference docs: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element/radialGradient The following attributes seem to be responsible for it. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/fx https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/fy I'm not sure how hard it is to implement, but to me it's a pretty simple yet interesting feature that I would love to see in Affinity Designer Cheers!
  3. Hi Guys My workflow has changed dramatically since I started using Affinity Photo some 4 odd years ago. Also I havent been around here in a long time. As a result, I've been forced to return to PS because of the streamlined scripted workflow. I'd like to return to Affinity Photo, but that won't be possible until such time that scripting is supported. This has been asked for several times over the years, but so far seems there has been no movement in this regard. Any news?
  4. Hi Guys 1.8 finally has smart objects (embedded objects) and it's come a long way. As a next step, can we make this live links please? Meaning if the original file changed outside of Affinity Photo, we will have an option to manually update it in the layers, or just auto update all layers from external sources.
  5. It would be great to be able to open a bunch of image files as one Affinity Photo documents, with each image as an independent layer in the Layer Studio. Thank you for your consideration and all you do.
  6. Please add the ability to add pure vector based vector brushes based on vector objects for texture instead of PNGs. For now we can only add pixel based vector brushes. Being able to add pure vector brushes based on vector objects would allow us to create vector based textures and designs, which would be much easier to handle for any kind of (print) production. For example I tried to separate the colours to a spot colour PDF for screen print from this awesome work by Pierre Kleinhouse made for the Affinity Work from home series https://youtu.be/lL6gc8Oi2uw .afdesign file on DropBox: https://affin.co/LD2020PierreKleinhouse It was sort of a nightmare. I couldn't find a way to create a vector based spray texture within the Affinity Suite like in the second screen shot with the chimney. Expand stroke, working with spot colours, working with boolean operations ... a lot would be easier.
  7. Hello Affinity Team, Thanks for creating a great product! There is a feature I miss. Being able to show more panels at the same time. This would be really, really, really useful, for example when trying to add a symbol to specific layer. If I would be able to see both the symbol panel and the layers panel, I would be able to drag and drop the symbol in the right place. It's a big pain to have to select a layer, or group of layers and then try to add the symbol to the canvas, as the symbol never ends up in the right place. Also, it would be useful to be able to see more panel, when having to switch tools which are located in different panels. Now, as opposed to the desktop version of the app, which has this feature, you need to click and touch a lot! Is there a way to get this feature? Best, Dan
  8. Dear Affinity, Thank you for your recent decision to allow 90-day free trials of your software and 50% discounts. I recently purchased the PC license to Publisher and so far, I'm enjoying the easy to use and intuitive functionality. One thing that is "kind of" annoying at the moment is the inability to customize or change the default "_" in filenames to indicate pages into "-" or however additional filename delimiters the end user desires. If not already, will you kindly include the Publisher export file names to be more customizable? I know Affinity Photo as the option to rename or set desired options in the Export interface. If customizing delimiters are too intensive at the moment, at least please consider the end user (like me) to change the default underscores into dashes to indicate page number, when exporting to PNG, JPG, EPS, etc. Thank you, Ronald
  9. Hello. I would like to propose a feature that would give the user an option to male the blue line guide in pen tool be hidden and only the actual stroke be visible. This feauture would be useful on siuations where the stroke width is very thin like 1px to 5px. The proposed feature will look something like this with the only difference where the blue line guide is not visible.
  10. Hello affinity designer team. I would like to propose some additional type of tools to include in your roadmap priorities. These are the basic precision tools, like what you see in CAD software environments like fusion 360. I cannot emphasize enough the gravity and necessity that this would make affinity designer take a bigger leap towards gaining more users. One of the tools I am referring to are the arc tangent tool similar to fusion 360 (and other cad softwares), typing or input functionality for Line/edge length and angle, and lastly making the rotation angle information visible. There are a lot of things that a vector software can take advantage of some techniques and features that cad softwares use. Not necessarily to dive in all the cad tools, instead just the basic/simple features that we think are very beneficial for vector art. There are situations where an artist needs to have more control on the curves/lines angle Ex: Flourish or ornament designs. Currently, I believe the only angles and curves that an artist can make in affinity designer are just through eye estimation and grid snapping which In my opinion is also great when doing organic stuffs. When you want to apply some simple form of precision and control on creating shapes and curves, that would probably need some form of tools that gives you proper control while at the same time promotes consistency and uniformity. This would also definitely make the workflow much faster and creates an environment for artists to experiment and create innovations with the help of these tools and also with the existing feautres it already has. I hope affinity designer would soon add some kind of features. Thanks. https://autodesk.i.lithium.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/192801iEF9AA96E1495B49E/image-size/original?v=mpbl-1&px=-1
  11. Hello guys. I would like to propose a feature that would make snap settings simpler by using some icons/symbols. The current snapping menu is already good but needs some tweaking and additional options, making the menus more visually simple and clear by using icons and hide the advance options in an advance section. 1."Edge/Line Midpoint Snapping" - This is crucial and I hope this would be considered. 2. Better snapping (object to object/node to node,) 3.Additional Snapping areas. Ex: Intersection, perpendicaular, parallel, Quadrant point of ellipses. B. Precision tools like arc tangent tool, simple ruler, and protractor. Very Crucial for a large number of creators.
  12. I have had Affinity Designer for awhile now and the tool that keeps me from switching exclusively from Illustrator is.. the Shape Builder tool its so quick and saves so much time if affinity could get this tool up and running there will be so many people that switch over.
  13. I'd like a Spiral Tool that can create: Linear spirals Non-linear spirals With some simple sliders for things like: Number of tails Angle Radius Something like the Cog tool but for Spirals would be great.
  14. In Tibetan, especially in pechas, it is considered a special case, if the last syllable of an expression that is terminated by a shad ། breaks to a new line. In that case the shad ། ( U+0F0D ) is replaced by rin chen spungs shad ༑ ( U+0F11 ). This serves as an optitical indication that there is a left-over syllable at the beginning of the line that actually belongs to the preceding line. There does not seem to be a regular expression to find such orphaned syllables when the new lines is a result of formatting rather than an inserted line-break character. It's very tedious to hunt through a text to find and replace shads that occur after the first syllable on a line, so it would be a great help to have a feature that does this.
  15. In larger documents I use many different text styles. In Publisher they are unfortunately not sortable. It would be nice if they could be sorted into folders.
  16. From other programs, I like working with variables. The existing variables in Publisher are nice, but insufficient. I would like more variables.
  17. Posted on reddit a while ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/AffinityDesigner/comments/du0ejg/evenly_subdividesplit_a_path/ Inkscape (and blender, while we're at it) seems to be the only vector program that has something IMO is so simple and commonly used (atleast by me, and blender users). The ability to subdivide an object/selections nodes, placing new ones perfectly spaced apart. It's one of a few things holding me back from using affinity. Additionally, vice versa: Simplify/decimate. Remove all unnecessary nodes but keep the overall shape (some distortion is to be expected, but it usually does a really good job) Attached, or on the reddit post, is an example gif using inkscape
  18. Right now, holding Alt+RMB+LMB lets you drag and resize the brush on the fly, which is a feature Photoshop also has. Except in Photoshop it's just hold Alt+RMB, which currently does nothing in Affinity Photo. Please change this shortcut to this for all the tools that let you change brush sizes. Not only is it easier to do, it standardizes for those who still use both PS and AF. On top of that, Photoshop has a shortcut in brush mode, clicking RMB brings up a list of brushes. Convenient, and eliminates the need to always have the brushes toolbox open.
  19. Hi I had brought this up in a Designer forum, but nothing happened. It matters even more in Publisher, hence this request. I am being required to submit a PDF for web viewing (iTunes Digital Booklet) that has its Initial View options set for Full Screen. Although I can set other initial view options (zoom, facing pages etc.) in my third party reader, it seems that the Full Screen option is elusive. I cannot find any freeware app that will set Initial View to Full Screen, and It seems wasteful to buy a full-blown copy of Acrobat just to do that one thing. Please could you add a full set of Initial View options to the PDF export dialogue. It would be a valuable - and logical - addition to the program. Thanks, Alan
  20. Customizing the studio space is very important, especially for small screens. Illustrator has quite an awesome feature that affinity designer is missing. You can create a second studio with minimized (icons only) panels that pop-open when clicked. This saves a lot of space but makes them much easier accessible compared to only the tabs in affinity (often you even have a scrollable tab bar). The benefit is that you can have your big panels on the very right and expand one additional panel on the inner right studio. This males working soooo much easier. It would be great if you could add this feature.
  21. I know that I can duplicate a layer by cmd + drag. However this does not seem to work in the players panel. This is a very handy feature in illustrator as it allows to duplicate a layer without moving it and immediatly changing the order of it. I know I can cmd + j do duplicate and move it afterwards, but since this is a very often used thing, it makes working quite annoying. Please add this.
  22. It would be really helpful if I could copy layer effects to another layer, like in Illustrator. Copy: alt + drag the fx icon (on layer) to a new layer and the effects should be copied. Very often, e.g. when using outlined text this is necessary. Move: drag fx icon (on layer) from one layer to another layer (e.g. to move effects from a layer to parent group
  23. .afdesign documents are not suitable for general distribution, and embedded fonts cannot be expected on destination PCs; so we are constantly required to translate fonts to curves and then export to PDF. Given how frequently we need this feature, you can make life much easier for customers: (1) A quick-export to PDF button; (2) A checkbox that will convert to curves before export; (3) Total abolition of the troublesome "document changed" warning, considering that we need to preserve the original .afdesign without over-writing it.
  24. Hello Sir, Once again i'm sorry if somebody has requested for this feature or reported this bug... but this is too important and annoying. The use of "Esc" key in very proper way... The default use of "Esc" is "don't apply these changes and close this opened command." suppose I've opened an image, and pressed "command+m" it will open Curve Adjustment, now there is no use of "Esc" you have to manually press "close" button.. but even if i pressed close button, or clicked outside that Curves Adjustment applies.. I've to manually select that layer and delete it. and the delete button on "Curves" dialogue box is un-necessary. Secondly, if I pressed command+t it will load a big box of text, and no esc works on it and one has to close that box manually. too annoying.. "BTW try Laptops and see how difficult it becomes to move full arm from keyboard to touchpad so repeatedly. Similarly , if I used erase brush or any color brush, it pixelate image without letting me know if I really want this to happen or not. This should first ask "If i really want to pixelate it or not" And if I press "Esc" it shouldn't pixelate the image so I could do that manually (after making a backup layer). Because there is no "smart" object option in AP, so once image is "not pixelated" it is already smart object and can be scaled up or down, but once it is pixelated, all information is lost and that can't be scaled up anymore. So there should be a "confirmation" dialogue instead of "you are already killed" dialogue. And there, where escape shouldn't close the box, it is totally ruining the system. in system preferences, if I accidentally changed anything.. the press of "Esc" not only applies that, but also closes that .. OMG.. what change did I do?.. Please make "Esc" to just go to Preferences's home view and remove the "close" button and change that to "save/apply". And "close" button here and "x" button on the top are same. if some change is made, the "esc" shouldn't apply that but go to Preferences's home view. This all goes to.. "MESH TOOL", "Transform", "etc" ... "Enter/Return" to "apply" and "Esc to Cancel" I hope these changes will put some ease in life.. Thank you MacOS Catalina - 10.15 (19A602) Affinity Photo 1.7.3 Macbook Pro -mid 15, 15inch.
  25. Hi all, Having cancelled my Creative Suite subscription, the only Photoshop thing I miss is its ability to create keyframe animations and output them as APNG or GIF files. This is very useful for me to create little animated buttons for my 360° virtual tours. Thanks, Mark.
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