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Iulian Onofrei reacted to Ezbaze in Add possibility to display texts under icons for the tool buttons
Yes, of course, I myself would not want it to be shown at all times but I understand how it could be beneficial for other users
Iulian Onofrei got a reaction from Gripsholm Lion in Add possibility to display texts under icons for the tool buttons
Uhm, hello? 👋🏻 I would use it, duh...
Iulian Onofrei reacted to fde101 in Add possibility to display texts under icons for the tool buttons
What I was referring to by the "modern" approach can be seen, for example, in Digital Performer (a digital audio workstation), in which Shift+Spacebar brings up a small window in which you can start typing to search through all of the tools, menu commands, etc., which are available in the program, and see their shortcuts, what they are, as well as triggering them right from the menu:
Iulian Onofrei reacted to Ezbaze in Add possibility to display texts under icons for the tool buttons
I have looked through the entire Windows Toolkit Figma file and they don't have anything regarding tool sidebars, the closest thing that they had to that was this:
Iulian Onofrei reacted to PaulEC in Add possibility to display texts under icons for the tool buttons
I think this is another case of having options for individual user's preferences. By all means, have an option to show the name of tools, for people who can't remember what they are and don't want to use the tool tips. But it does need to be an option so that the rest of us don't have wasted space for nothing!
Iulian Onofrei reacted to Ezbaze in Add possibility to display texts under icons for the tool buttons
Thank you
It's funny how all of those are Apple related
It is actually, OP even said so
I used the standard tools shown on the toolbar as it was easier to copy over / copy names over to Figma each one by hand, I did make it wrap in the Figma file with a max of 2 lines, below is the example with "Callout Rounded Rectangle Tool" included within the mockup
@Return The example I showed would actually be a good way to learn, as you have both side by side, with the possibility of minimizing it when it gets in the way.
Illustrator Actually does the same thing when you go to view all of the tools / add new ones to the toolbar, they also have a toggle that allows you to change between a grid/list of icons-text
Iulian Onofrei reacted to Circulus in Add possibility to display texts under icons for the tool buttons
Practice more often and know the tools by heart.
Make a screenshot of the UI >print out>add the tool names yourself with a pen>hang at your monitor with tape to prevent from losing.
Iulian Onofrei reacted to GarryP in Add possibility to display texts under icons for the tool buttons
How should the name of the tool be displayed under the tool button?
Should the button and text both be left-aligned, or centre-aligned, or something else?
Should the text be ‘a continuous unbroken line of characters’ or should it ‘wrap’ onto more than one line?
If it should ‘wrap’, at what point should it wrap? When it gets to a certain width (what width, and why that width?), or when it gets to a space (always first space, or not, and why?), or something else?
Can you show us a mock up of what, for example, the “Colour Replacement Brush Tool” button would look like with the text underneath it alongside/above/underneath other tools that also have their name displayed?
Iulian Onofrei reacted to Ezbaze in Add possibility to display texts under icons for the tool buttons
Yes this would definitelly require to have a larger monitor to use comfortably.
That is the first thing i mentioned at the start of this topic, yes
Technically it does
Windows Apps List
Powertoys ( by Microsoft )
Windows Explorer:
These are all lists of Icon - Name which help to find what you are looking for
Iulian Onofrei reacted to Ezbaze in Add possibility to display texts under icons for the tool buttons
Here's how it could look:
And honestly it isn't that bad
Iulian Onofrei reacted to fde101 in Add possibility to display texts under icons for the tool buttons
The classic way to handle this is to have a "Tools" menu in the menu bar which mimics the toolbar but lists the tools by name instead of using icons.
A more modern approach is a searchable pop-up menu that appears with one keyboard shortcut you would learn, which you could then start typing the name of a tool or menu command in order to find and switch to / execute it.
Iulian Onofrei reacted to MaryAnne in iPad Pro 11" vs 12" - Tool Icon Size
Is it just me, or are the tool icons on the iPad smaller and/or harder to see with the latest update to Designer?
Is there a way to resize the icons on the iPad (I haven't been able to find it!)?
I may be desperate enough to get the 12" iPad, if the icons were proportionately larger. Does anyone know if the icons would be larger, or would the drawing space just be larger? Anybody?
Thanks in advance!
Iulian Onofrei reacted to Patrick Connor in Live Paint Bucket equivalent
@Iulian Onofrei
Welcome to the Serif Affinity forums.
It is very unlikely that anyone will go through the feature request post updating them if a feature is added to the software or the roadmap list, sorry.
At the top of all threads there is a "follow" button (it may be at the bottom on mobiles). Also any thread that you post into is added to your interests, but having said that the Roadmap thread is an odd beast, in that the original post gets edited when items are added or removed. Editing a post does not notify the people who follow it. So that is not ideal. I will make sure that when the roadmap thread is edited, a new post is added to the bottom to say what was removed (when a feature is added in a patch) or added (if we add any more to the 1.x roadmap). That way there will be a record of the changes and a notification to the followers.