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  1. You are taking it too literal as always. Forcing upon you is nagging and annoying you to death to use a certain option that MS wants you to use. MS is trying to mimic Apple to have everything sandboxed, integrated in the OS and controlled by Apple which are only approved or build upon apple frameworks. Apple can, to a certain extend, get away with this as it is also the creator of the hardware. But MS is not and MS users aren't having it because they always had the choice to use both the hardware and the software they like. Serif is probably bound by agreements with MS to have this msix version as first choice and that's why the update process is just, eh, mweh. @R C-R both @Pšenda and I are not native English speakers but what was meant is forced on/upon
  2. @walt.farrell Since you know so well how it works, here's another user that is in desperate need of your help.
  3. @walt.farrell Yet again a nice redundant explanation by you. Besides I was talking about updating(see my quote) and not fresh installing, hence the title of this topic. As for the (still) forcing of the msix app, it was and is a bad business decision from a user point of view as the foundation on which the affinity code works isn't working seriously with other software as if Serif is living alone in the woods and nobody else uses other software, newsflash, they do. That user unfriendly script to point to an app within a hidden, sandboxed folder is even more sad, childish and unprofessional. I think by now Serif should be able to have either a patch installer in their programs folder or like suggested pointing to a page per installer version directed from the download button in the program. 4 extra pages on a site isn't that hard, I think they know how to hyperlink to a correct page by now after 30 years of coding. Also we are now dealing with version 2 where there could and should have been another approach.
  4. And if there's only going to be a link to a downloadspage it should be only to the correct page aka Serif should use their old webplus program to have 4 pages for the respective downloads per installer. They should hire a webdesigner to do the job but Chatgpt seems also able to create 4 download pages instead of one generic one. I just wonder why it is so hard for Serif to understand that their programs and even their way of updating is in so many ways USERUNFRIENDLY.
  5. All updates should simply point to the correct version already installed and not a generic download page. The beta versions downloads are slightly better as these are 4 buttons but the label for the buttons should contain the actual version. Besides the FAQ that @JonnyOneNote is referring to is only an explanation but should contain links to the correct version within.
  6. It's there but not as shortcut. There's also select same or select object and in conjunction with layer states/tag color it is possible to select on sublevels. This is of course, granted, after setting it up first by color tagging or naming. There's one distinction between Layers and groups Layer layers are some sort of passthrough container where child objects are regarded as solo objects. Whereas groups are regarded as one object in the stack.
  7. Just about to reply but it seems there's consensus about the blendmode. Too bad the green whirlwind was again the first on the scene. 🤪
  8. Opened it in the release 2.5.7 version and there it also occurs.
  9. Probably there's additional content in the eps. You can however change the Page Box on the toolbar to minimum or maximum content for the eps layer.
  10. Export assets in the hamburger menu as afassets file or save the assets with (empty/minimal)document to backup. Yes it will influence the overall performance and loading time.
  11. On iPad perhaps. This on windows;
  12. Drag the mask over the thumbnail of the group and not inside the group aka the textlabel
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