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  1. Again a misinterpretation on your part here. I already said that I thought there was a setting where mac user could hide the statusbar separately from the UI in the affinities. Or perhaps on OS level which some tend to do. And yes it hides on windows when hide UI is invoked. But my reply was about the separate option/setting on mac and not to the hiding as complete UI.
  2. I just tried that tool again on 2.5.7 (exe version) and have no problems on windows 11 pro. If related >tag = https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/search/&tags=AF-4734
  3. Just checked and I have the KB5049624 installed on windows11 pro and have no problems in working with afphoto 2.5.7 / beta and 1.10.6
  4. I find this a strange answer as we are talking about windows 11 where it is a default setting. Even more strange is this answer in respect for Serif to obey rules imposed by apple but seems to not like to do the same on windows just because it isn't mandatory.
  5. There's always the top snapping screen menu when dragging a floating window to the edge of the screen. But yes it should conform to the rules here.
  6. Instead of replying that it was removed which is obvious by the question in the first place. Would you care to explain why it was removed? Perhaps it would be of interest for others seeking the same answer.
  7. It's a textframe attribute and not possible to set with a textstyle. I too think it should be possible but the sheriffs at Nottingham want to hold on to dtp/text processor rules instead of creative solutions.
  8. It works fine on windows11 for me in both beta and release version.
  9. Me too and on windows you cannot turn off the statusbar. As @Hangman is showing the navigation is on the statusbar bottom left. DXF export should be in publisher but I was in photo standalone and there it isn't an export option.
  10. The navigation arrows should be shown bottom left on the statusbar, if you are on Mac you may have the statusbar turned off?
  11. I'm glad the threat is a scam or else I might get hurt 😂
  12. I can confirm that ctrl+tab only switches between 2 open files and just omits the others on win11 photo2.5.7(exe) The beta version works correct.
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