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Everything posted by firstdefence

  1. If you do this on a regular basis you can draw these scales out group them and create assets that can be reused. https://affinity.help/photo/English.lproj/pages/Panels/assetsPanel.html
  2. Odd that I had that issue but the update to Firefox fixed it, so must have been a bug of some sort. Just had a look over some of the fixes from FF70 to FF72.0.1 and most relate to security and memory issues.
  3. HD 6000 does support metal, there is usually settings active under the performance tab in preferences: James can help explain here: https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/tutorials/photo/desktop/video/342249763/
  4. I have just watched callums vid in Safari 13.0.4 and it runs fine, but on FF 70 it runs for 2 seconds and then stops. Note: video runs correctly in FF 72.0.1 latest FF so update your FF Garry.
  5. Image posting is working now, In Affinity Designer it might be the end nodes are twisted
  6. What happens if you change the render settings on the performance tab in Affinity Preferences
  7. Welcome to the forum bakfiet, the image doesn't show so try uploading the image again please. If that doesn't work try using an image host like https://imgbb.com I use these all the time.
  8. Have you looked at Rawtherapee's batch processing as an alternative to adobe: https://rawpedia.rawtherapee.com/Batch_Adjustments_-_Sync Well until such time as Affinity add RAW batch processing.
  9. To use the frame image in your .aphoto file, make an image a child of the frame image and change the layer blend mode of the picture to screen, then move the picture within the frame to suit. I also added an Layerfx: Outer shadow to make the frame pop off the page.
  10. Just to clarify if you add an image to a file and it comes in as an image layer it must be rasterised before the filters become active.
  11. Affinity Designer brushes aren't true vector brushes, they are raster images on a vector curve, so in essence, bendable raster brushes.
  12. I've not known it do that. I know in PS you can use Option to size from the centre and Option + Shift keeps aspect ratio but Not seen Affinity Photo do this.
  13. The standard size, well starting point for brush sizes appears to be 64px but there has to be a tipping point when increasing and reducing brush sizes has a detrimental effect on the brush image.
  14. The bullet on the context menu is just a quick way to apply a standard bullet list, the style panel obviously gives you additional features for more sophisticated features, but I would have thought initially it would have emulated the quick bullet list style as well as a starting point.
  15. Welcome to the forum, You should be able to post an image on your second post, so just reply and attach an image.
  16. Depends on the laser cutter software but EPS or SVG is probably the way to go.
  17. It's the same method. Get the schematic Add a rectangle and change the colour to a blueprint blue (Move it below the schematic) You could just as easily add a Fill layer (main menu at the top of the affinity app) Layer > New Fill layer instead of a rectangle Change the schematic layer blend mode to screen Go to (main menu at the top of the affinity app) Layer > Invert If you wanted to add a bit of texture just add a texture image. You can use this one I made in Filter Forge using a simple filter I made to make this kind of texture: texture overlay.png.zip There are some great links in the description of that video, thanks Spoon Graphics.
  18. The only option I can see is to group these layers, this will maintain colour references and organise the layer structure better, you can rename the groups to help identify the blocks of data.
  19. Set the paragraphs to have bullets See images below. Set a bullet style Left indent: moves the rest of the paragraph over
  20. What about placing a transparent letter over the image, so using the artistic text tool type a letter over the image set it's fill and stroke colours to and then create the hyperlink to the page of your choice.
  21. There you go, the latter part of the history is the one that got the finish I thought was best: edited.afphoto Saved with history so you can jog back and forth in the history panel.
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