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  1. Hi Hangman, for information,Ancestral Author Plus simply imports a GEDCOM file from an ancestry programme and instead of using the information in the GEDCOM to produce a tree, it outputs the data as a PDF [or ODT] file. It is not an editing programme which is why it doesn't contain any way to change output fonts. Thank you for your help. Have a good Christmas! omputer System used Asus Vivobook 15 Intel I7 processor, Intel Iris X graphics, Windows 10 Home Version 20H2 (64 bit), 32GB RAM. Affinity Designer2 V2.5.7, Photo2 V2.5.7, Publisher2 V2.5.7 Affinity Designer2 Beta V2.6.2950, Photo Beta 2.6.2950, Publisher V2.6.2950 Affinity Designer, Photo, Publisher Affinity Designer Beta, Photo Beta, Publisher Beta
  2. Hi, Hangman Thanks for your help. I've attached a sample PDF output from Ancestral Author Plus so that you can compare. I don't use Acrobat Reader myself but feel free to check Salisburytrial.pdfSalisburytrial.pdf Computer System used Asus Vivobook 15 Intel I7 processor, Intel Iris X graphics, Windows 10 Home Version 20H2 (64 bit), 32GB RAM. Affinity Designer2 V2.5.7, Photo2 V2.5.7, Publisher2 V2.5.7 Affinity Designer2 Beta V2.6.2950, Photo Beta 2.6.2950, Publisher V2.6.2950 Affinity Designer, Photo, Publisher Affinity Designer Beta, Photo Beta, Publisher Beta
  3. Hi, Hangman Thanks for your help. I've attached a sample PDF output from Ancestral Author Plus so that you can compare. I don't use Acrobat Reader myself but feel free to check Salisburytrial.pdfSalisburytrial.pdf Computer System used Asus Vivobook 15 Intel I7 processor, Intel Iris X graphics, Windows 10 Home Version 20H2 (64 bit), 32GB RAM. Affinity Designer2 V2.5.7, Photo2 V2.5.7, Publisher2 V2.5.7 Affinity Designer2 Beta V2.6.2950, Photo Beta 2.6.2950, Publisher V2.6.2950 Affinity Designer, Photo, Publisher Affinity Designer Beta, Photo Beta, Publisher Beta
  4. Went on net to find if it is possible to change output text in Ancestral Author, no solution to that but Ancestral Softworks had a newer version called Ancestral Author Plus so I downloaded that and the PDF it produced can be opened successfully by Publisher V2! [AA Plus can also export to ODF format] However that doesn't explain why V2 couldn't successfully open a file that V1 (and other PDF readers) can Computer System used Asus Vivobook 15 Intel I7 processor, Intel Iris X graphics, Windows 10 Home Version 20H2 (64 bit), 32GB RAM. Affinity Designer2 V2.5.7, Photo2 V2.5.7, Publisher2 V2.5.7 Affinity Designer2 Beta V2.6.2950, Photo Beta 2.6.2950, Publisher V2.6.2950 Affinity Designer, Photo, Publisher Affinity Designer Beta, Photo Beta, Publisher Beta
  5. Thanks Hangman, I don't think there is any way of changing font in Ancestral Author but I will have to investigate further
  6. I have worked on my family history for several years and use Ancestral Author to generate a PDF of the story which I used to be able to then open in Publisher and improve it's layout etc. Recently using V2 of Publisher to import these PDF files results in an incomprehensible document. However Publisher V1 can still open the original PDf generated by Ancestral Author see below) If I export the document from V1 Publisher using preset PDF for print, then Publisher V2 can open that PDF with no problem. (I haven't tried any other presets) Attached below is an example file that V2 seems unable to open yet V1 can open Cruwys .pdf I would appreciate some help and I am so glad that I retained Affinity V1 proframmes. Computer System used Asus Vivobook 15 Intel I7 processor, Intel Iris X graphics, Windows 10 Home Version 20H2 (64 bit), 32GB RAM. Affinity Designer2 V2.5.7, Photo2 V2.5.7, Publisher2 V2.5.7 Affinity Designer2 Beta V2.6.2950, Photo Beta 2.6.2950, Publisher V2.6.2950 Affinity Designer, Photo, Publisher Affinity Designer Beta, Photo Beta, Publisher Beta
  7. I don't understand why the change between light and dark ui occurred. Although I do have Publisher 1 installed, I don't have any shortcuts set up so to start it I would have to navigate to the Programs folder, find the programme and start it. As I said before, I installed the update and as soon as Publisher Beta restarted (with splash screen showing it was Beta v I simply drew a simple shape and tried exporting it but there was no DXF option as screen shot showed. I cIosed Publisher Beta then updated Photo Beta and when it restarted, I tried to export to DXF but no option available. I then closed Photo Beta, opened Desgner Beta updated it and when it restarted I opened it, drew a shape and found I could export to DXF so I closed Designer and re-opened Publisher Beta. Now when I went to Export the DXF and DWG options were there. I can't explain that but at least exporting DXF from Publisher Beta is fefinitely working.
  8. HI Walt I can only assume it was because I first tried it as soon as Publisher Beta had restarted after the update to was installed. Also I tried it in Photo Beta after updating it and the DXF or DWG export options weren't there. They only appeared after I'd installed the Designer Beta update about 10 minutes later after posting my first response.
  9. Just finishe I've just downloaded Designer beta and found the option to export to DXF was there so re-opened Publisher Beta and when I went to export , the options to export to DXF and DWG are now present and Publisher Beta exports to DXF without any problem Before Designer installed After Designer installed Since the DXF export option was not available in either Publisher or Photo Beta BEFORE Designer Beta update was installed, others need to be aware. Also developers please note Ian Price Asus Vivobook 15 Intel I7 processor, Intel Iris X graphics, Windows 10 Home Version 20H2 (64 bit), 32GB RAM. Affinity Designer, Photo, Publisher Affinity Designer Beta, Photo Beta, Publisher Beta Affinity Designer2 V2.5.5, Photo2 V2.5.5, Publisher2 V2.5.5 Affinity Designer2 V2.6.0.2861 (Beta), Photo V2.6.0.2861 (Beta), Publisher V2.6.0.2861 (Beta)
  10. I've just downloaded Publisher beta and went to export to DXF. There is not an option to export to DXF in the dropdown so cannot confirm that this beta solves the problem Ian Price Asus Vivobook 15 Intel I7 processor, Intel Iris X graphics, Windows 10 Home Version 20H2 (64 bit), 32GB RAM. Affinity Designer, Photo, Publisher Affinity Designer Beta, Photo Beta, Publisher Beta Affinity Designer2 V2.5.5, Photo2 V2.5.5, Publisher2 V2.5.5 Affinity Designer2 V2.6.0.2861 (Beta), Photo V2.6.0.2861 (Beta), Publisher V2.6.0.2861 (Beta)
  11. I tried what Old Bruce said and it didn't work until I removed the tabs in the text frame and then retyped them (in Publisher text frame). I then typed the entries separated by tabs in a word processor and saved it in Rich Text Format (RTF). Then the entry would work, confirming what Hangman said. I also simply copied and pasted from a word processor and that worked too. Bear in mind that if your table is, say, 4 columns wide and your text entry is 8 entries separated by tabs, then when you past that the table will expand to 8 columns to accommodate the entries. To ensure that the table will only be [for example ] 4 columns wide then you would need to press <Enter> after every fourth entry. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 will result in table which was 4 columns expanding to 8 columns but 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 will result in table of 2 rows of 4 columns Asus Vivobook 15 Intel I7 processor, Intel Iris X graphics, Windows 10 Home Version 20H2 (64 bit), 32GB RAM. Affinity Designer2 V2.5.5, Photo2 V2.5.5, Publisher2 V2.5.5 Affinity Designer2 Beta V2.5.5.2636, Photo Beta, Publisher V2.5.5.2636 Affinity Designer, Photo, Publisher Affinity Designer Beta, Photo Beta, Publisher Beta
  12. Tanks Walt. Realised after posting that my original post was about exporting DXF from Publisher and my reply above was made after exorting DXF in Designer. Retried in Publisher and export fails with message showing failure as explained on 1st August.
  13. Checked today 9th Oct 2024 and export to DXF in Designer working OK. Thank you Serif Asus Vivobook 15 Intel I7 processor, Intel Iris X graphics, Windows 10 Home Version 20H2 (64 bit), 32GB RAM. Affinity Designer, Photo, Publisher Affinity Designer Beta, Photo Beta, Publisher Beta Affinity Designer2 V2.5.5, Photo2 V2.5.5, Publisher2 V2.5.5 Affinity Designer2 V2.5.5.2636 (Beta), Photo V2.5.5.2636 (Beta), Publisher V2.5.5.2636 (Beta)
  14. Hi, I opened a new publisher frile, drew a square and tried exporting to dxf. I found it gave this error message I don't know why it indicates three files could not be changed I then retried the same in Publisher, drew the square, changed to Designer persona and exporting to dxf. The same error message occurred. However, like sAnderO, when I repeated this in standalone Designer, it exports the file with no problem.
  15. on Windows, an alternative, as explained in the Help text, is to drag the markers on the ruler to the position/s required. see video below. This method allows you visually see the effect as you drag the markers. You do need to turn on Text Rulers from the view menu to be able to do this Don't know how that works on IPad, never used one. indents.mp4 Hope that provides you with another way to set indents. Pman Computer System used Asus Vivobook 15 Intel I7 processor, Intel Iris X graphics, Windows 10 Home Version 20H2 (64 bit), 32GB RAM. Affinity Designer2 V2.5.0, Photo2 V2.5.0, Publisher2 V2.5.0 Affinity Designer2 Beta V2.5.0.2471, Photo Beta, Publisher V2.5.0.2471 Affinity Designer, Photo, Publisher Affinity Designer Beta, Photo Beta, Publisher Beta
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