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Everything posted by Bryce

  1. You are looking for the resource manager One of the reasons the files are so large is because of saving history. As for the PDF - Affinity usually includes more data. It also does a better job of drop shadows and effects rather than just making it JPG's - which can cause colors shifts compared to machines that are identifying calibrated pantone colors. Here is also what Pitstop shows for your PDFs (The top is from Affinity): There is much higher resolution in the Affinity file - not that for print it would matter. You may want to look at your export settings. 1900 DPI is why the size is so large, especially with two being layered on top of each other.
  2. Did you reboot your computer after the install finished? It's not a bad idea since many things are still setting up after it says it's finished.
  3. No problem. Another solution, that is if the printer supports it, so to check the box in affinity when exporting to a PDF, make sure that overprint black is specified in the export box. The only way this will work though is to be printing using a postscript driver/printer from Acrobat. It will also make your blacks more dense. We use that quite often to ensure no gaps throughout the print run.
  4. I explained in detail what ligatures are, but sometimes I don't communicate clearly. The top is using the ligature single character. it's a substitution for the bottom. It creates easier reading and flow for the reader. This happens quite often in typography, just as it did in your file. The reason photoshop opened it correctly was because it rasterized it with no editing capability at all before it was converted to a document to edit - basically it took a picture of what it looked like in acrobat.
  5. I opened it in Photo and I see what you are talking about with the font replacement - that is completely normal with ligatures and glyphs. If you notice it's always the same character for the "tt". Programs like this replace characters to be more appropriate such as "fi", "tj" or "fl", and 'tt' along with "rt" is another common one. if the font has the replacement, it will change the 2 characters into one custom character so it doesn't look goofy. As for the "I print from Acrobat and all black text has a white shadow.".. That could be several issues depending on what type a printer it is. My first guess is that black is not overprintning and therefore the magenta is knocked out. If your printer is not 100% in registration between these your colors you will see a white gap that you describe. This is true for both inkjet and laser.
  6. I did but that is not the case. Is Acrobat looking wrong? It doesn't look like what you are describing.
  7. I just reviewed your PDF and your AFPUB file and there is nothing wrong with either. I would say your print driver or something else is removing the font. The typefaces in the PDF are embedded subsets of Calibri exactly as they should be when inspecting with Enfocus Pitstop (prepress software). What are you printing the PDF from? Does it view on screen wrong in the program that is printing the PDF? I'f Im understanding correctly you are exporting to a PDF, only to open the PDF back in Affinity? If a font is missing, which if you are opening the file to edit, it will strip out the embedded font, then Affinity should be asking you about the font that is missing and how you want to replace it or leave it missing. If you want to see what the printed PDF will look like, you should be using Acrobat or an imposition software with RIP or a postscript printer. Opening it back up for editing will always make it wrong. You could drop it in affinity as an embedded document and it might show right.
  8. The Official Serif Affinity workbooks were advertised in a recent email. Buy the book at discount and get free t-shirt. I already had purchased the Designer workbook and thought it was a great way to learn. I took up the offer from Serif and bought the Photo workbook. I was expecting the sale to be getting rid of the old books on hand. If it was different it wouldn't be that much different. Amazingly enough, I didn't realize it was updated for 1.7. Is the Designer book updated for 1.7? Is there going to be a Publisher book soon?
  9. I've been running the beta for 13.1 for quite a while and haven't had any issues with Designer. I've had a few issues with "Files" but not Affinity.
  10. I deleted the image on the pasteboard - the 11th - and did a Save As brought it down to 1.17GB. The Save History was not turned on.
  11. That is not true all the time. The files can get massive even with files linked. This document has 5 pages in it and 10 pictures and it's almost 2GB. Yet here you can see in Publisher that they are all linked: If you start doing any of photo effects such as masking, the files get very large. It still operates quick but they are not small. It does make me wonder if this is some sort of bug because they are so large. The programs are still good though, despite a few minor flaws.
  12. Have you checked for a firmware update for the Netgear NAS? That is not normal behavior over a network and I wonder if there is an issue with the NAS.
  13. A lot of programs do that with save. Save As will clean them up. It takes longer than the quick "save" but it does do that. As for being large, 80MB is not large in Affinity files. Designer or Publisher will easily get to 1 GB files with a few pictures and some editing. Though they only take a second or two to open even when large. It amazes me how quick they can open.
  14. One of the best tools in Designer is Slices. You should not have gone back and created a new document and copy and paste in to it as that can cause problems - just like it can in Indesign or Illustrator. I would assume that the resolution is the issue. I try to keep all at 300 no matter what. Never let programs guess what resolution it should be. I have a strange issue with logos between documents that sometimes the stroke will get very thick from one document pasted to another. I don't know why but it does. I just tried to copy and paste between documents and I couldn't get it to change size even though the documents were different resolution and size. I tried rasterizing the object and it made no difference rom copy and pasting. Here is the solution I would do in your case: Use artboards for each of the graphics in the same file. Name the artboard what you want the file name to be. Go to Slices and select all 3 artboards then choose the PDF for Print export (or PDF X/4) then choose export slices. It will name them all for you and keeps everything nice and neat.
  15. I'm not sure about the speed of printing in Publisher, but one thing that I do is print from a PDF from Publisher. This seems to print quite fast and reliable.
  16. Photo Mechanic is amazingly fast. You can go through your images at lightning speed even in RAW.
  17. I have a document that's rather large but there is a problem. and this seems to happen on any document that's mulitple pages and I intend to to the masking in Publisher. The video shows what's going on. I edit a mask on page 3 photo. The content of the page disappears and then I have to go to page one to edit. Though all the controls have to happen on page 3. There are other wonky things that are going on too but this is what I've recorded. I can open it in Affinity Photo and it edits the right page but using Studiolink does not work correctly when editing mask in Affinity Photo (studio link).. thought maybe Metal might be to blame but it seems to not make any difference. I did not try on Windows. Untitled Project.mp4
  18. I have to agree. Rulers are very important for a program that does design. I have found that I can use Designer on the go when I am working with clients and having rulers is extremely important. The on the go is new, but I found it works pretty well.
  19. which version are you currently using? Do you have the app to default to "Metal" as your default rendering? I think it might be helpful. Also "Enable Metal compute acceleration" If it's still having problem is it always with one file or with even a brand new file? I had problems with performance when I had a certain EPS placed on a page. Once I started a new document it was fine.
  20. So Acrobat has support but only for PDF's created by distiller - no recognizing competitor's files. Sounds like Adobe on open standards. I tried the profile and it did work but not for print production work as it's all in RGB and low quality.
  21. Is there some option that I don't have checked that allows that, or do you have a plugin that makes it do it? The Acrobat Pro DC that I have is very strict about it, which is what the message shows. For larger things I use Apple Preview which can see it all just fine liek you mention of other readers and editors, but none that have the power of Acrobat, except maybe PDFToolbox that I don't have yet. I looked at your file and I see it was distilled from an EPS from Corel. Is that the way you get to work? If so, what are your Distiller settings that allow this?
  22. Acrobat Pro DC won't display or process more than 200" in a single direction from the top left corner. AI is limited to 216" or similar, but will still get cut off in Acrobat to 200". Corel, Affinity can all make PDF's much larger, which sometimes we need. This was a sample that made to be 300" long and it can't work with Acrobat. Preview sees it fine. Our RIPs can process them just fine. It's just Adobe that won't adhere to the ISO PDF standards. I've put in feature requests for Adobe to fix this but it seems to fall on deaf ears.
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