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Posts posted by R C-R

  1. What I think should work but does not is

    1. Create a circle with a 1.375" radius (so a 2.75" X 2.75" ellipse).
    2. Create a straight horizontal 2.75" long line with the Pen Tool & snap it to the center of the ellipse.
    3. Duplicate the line & set its width to 2.5" centered on the first line.
    4. Move straight it down until it snaps to the lower edge of the ellipse.

    This should create the top & bottom of the trapezoid properly positioned but it fails I believe because the Ellipse too can't create a perfect circle, which can be confirmed with the AD Measure Tool -- the radius is 1.375" only at 4 points.

  2. 2 hours ago, brenbiz said:

    I tried to see if I could change the colour settings but as you can see in my posted image those are the RGB settings available to me. There is no sRGB in either of the top 2 windows.

    In your Settings display, click on the Adobe RGB (1998) field to the right of the RGB Color Profile label to see the various available profiles, one of which should be sRGB IEC61966-2.1 or the like. However, this just sets the default for use in new documents, as explained here.

    So for your existing documents you could use the Document > Convert Format/ICC Profile menu item to convert the document to that profile.

  3. 4 hours ago, walt.farrell said:

    It's clearly there, on my PC and in this screenshot of their screenshot, from my phone.

    This is what I see in the OP's screenshot in this post when browsing the topic with Safari on my Mac (enlarged for clarity):


    EDIT: I was comparing it to the screenshot above by @h_d, which like on my Mac shows a different order with Include Bleed immediately below Raster DPI: so that is where I was ooking.

    I now see that in Windows it is in a different place & greyed out.

  4. 2 hours ago, walt.farrell said:

    When you want to switch to a different brush, click on the appropriate brush icon in the Layers panel.

    It is an interesting feature to know about but I noticed that if I paint on a pixel layer with several different brushes & then undo that, I still get the brush icon with the now 'undone' brushes shown.

    I don't know if I should consider this a bug or a feature.... 

    As an aside, I think it would be helpful if a tooltip or some other method was provided to show the name of the brush in that popup list, & possibly the category it is in, too. 

  5. 2 hours ago, SG Pilgrim said:

    See screenshot; the option is greyed out and cannot be selected.

    To me, in the screenshot it looks like it is not there at all, not just greyed out.

    1 hour ago, h_d said:

    my only other thought is that you might need to set the Area to Whole document.

    Experimentally, on my Mac that seems to be the case, which confirms what you said about a smaller area not including the bleed.

  6. 4 hours ago, albertkinng said:

    Note: I always turn on 'scale with project' before copying curves.

    I think it is now clear you mean "Scale with Object." If so, note that only affects the width of the stroke of the object when rescaling that object. If you copy that object to the clipboard & paste it into another document, that option will still be enabled, but it will not have any effect in that document unless/until you rescale it there.

  7. 7 hours ago, Old Bruce said:

    Weird, when I checked earlier I couldn't. Now I can. Not sure what happened.

    Not sure if this will explain it but if I crop an image with the Crop Tool then the cropped out part won't show after I hit Apply. But if I then reselect the Crop Tool & do not have "Reveal" checked, I can't see the cropped out area until I reenable that option.

  8. 1 minute ago, Ldina said:

    It's @Ron P.'s topic, so if he wishes to post it in the Feedback forum, I'll leave it up to him.

    What I meant was offering feedback about your ideas about the various lock modes, which seems considerably different from what @Ron P. said. I thought that was about how hidden layers should be protected from alterations but aren't, so more or less a bug or at least an odd design decision.

  9. 18 minutes ago, Ldina said:

    They could add a 'Lock All layers", 'Unlock All layers', 'Lock Position', 'Lock Editing', etc.

    Shouldn't there be pairs of lock/unlock functions so for example a user could just unlock position without unlocking any of the others?

    This does not sound to me like something that could be made simple or intuitive to use, or for that matter not cause its own share of errors, but maybe that is just me.

  10. 53 minutes ago, Ldina said:

    If we had the ability to lock groups (so nothing within that group could be changed), it would make it a lot easier to safeguard our designs.

    Just curious but consider an unlocked parent group that itself has several child groups in it, some locked, others not. If you wanted to move the parent group to some new spot on the document or to scale the parent, would you want the locked children not to be affected, changing the relationship between them & the others?

  11. 1 hour ago, Ron P. said:

    I understand this isn't a big deal if you only have a few layers. but if you have a lot of layers and might accidentally select the wrong one, well you can do some damage to your work.

    Isn't that true for just about anything you do if you think you are working a different layer than the one(s) actually selected? I do that more often than I would like but I can't see any way to prevent that other than by checking my work & the History panel & being as careful as I can about what I select.

  12. 5 hours ago, Tormy said:

    Apart that I locked the layer and then I was able to move it just by clicking on the alignement buttons ... so even that current lock is not working as devs ment.

    As has been mentioned multiple times in various posts over the years, the lock in Affinity only prevents users from selecting the locked layer on the canvas. They have not unreasonably decided that if a user selects a locked layer on the Layer panel, it must be because they must want to do something to it; otherwise, why select it there?

    So yes, it is working as designed.

  13. 6 hours ago, Tormy said:

    If you Company are creating this kind of "out-of-standard" you mis respect your customers by literally inventing the excuse "it's a feature". No: it's a crap.

    You may not agree with why it works like this but as the staff have explained, the assumption is if the user selects a locked layer on the Layers panel, they are doing that because they want to do something to that layer. Otherwise, why select it?

    Yes, it is not the same as in other apps you may be familiar with but it is still your responsibility to understand that it does in fact work differently than what you are used to.

    BTW, the most often requested lock option is not to change the way this works but to add a full lock option so users can choose which one they prefer.

  14. 7 hours ago, Tormy said:

    I will send them my works to be remade immediately!

    ??? What could you possibly send the developers that would even allow them to understand what had to be redone to restore whatever your misunderstanding of how locking works in Affinity caused to mess up your work, much less remake it?

    Besides, I can't think of a single software company on the planet that would do this even if they could. It is your responsibility to understand how the apps you use work, make backups as necessary, & so on, not theirs.

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