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  1. Many thanks to MikeTO. Mike, I'll look again at content scaling. Thanks too, to Hangman for the very full explanation.
  2. Just tried it, and your exercise works as suggested. However, I think what I'm getting is different. The frames on the pages in question haven't been changed. Simply deleting text on page 1, say, so that text moves from page 2 back to page 1 causes the text to change size to something MUCH bigger than the text in page 1. Conversely, adding a page break on page 1 causes text to move to page 2 and the moved text is then much SMALLER than the other text on page 2. Seems to me it's a different issue as the text frames, as far as I can tell, have not been scaled.
  3. Thanks MikeTO, I'll play with that later today. You're right that it's not obvious that I've dragged the scaling handle as to my knowledge I went nowhere near it. However, I'll try your suggestion.
  4. Forgot to mention: Hardware Mac Mini M1 running Sonoma 14.2.1 I can check (given time) if the same happens on my Mac Studio and my MacBook Pro (intel chip).
  5. Hi Dan, I finally got the video (attached) done for you. I've attached two afpub files. The one labelled v1-01 was the one I started with: the video shows me working on that to create a shorter version (the 2nd document labelled "Short Version DRAFT 1"). (I'd be grateful if you only keep these documents while they're needed as they're part of a product a colleague and I are launching at the end of the month.) As mentioned in the video, these documents were originally created in AP version 1, but now in AP version 2. I've had documents where this happens a lot; and documents where it doesn't happen at all; so it's hard to track down a reason. Could it be a screen redraw issue? A caching issue? or corruption in the file? Or something else? I've seen forum comments when people have been changing the frame size and that's changed font size, but as you can see that's not the case here; it's simply text being moved from one page to another. Affinity Publisher bug.mp4 GCT Foundations Participant Guide Part 3 v1-01.afpub GCT Foundations Guide Part 3 v1 Short version DRAFT 1.afpub
  6. Thanks Dan C. Late night here now, so I'll organise recording, etc. tomorrow for you.
  7. Nearly every time I add or remove a page break from existing Publisher 2 documents some of the text on the page (usually after the one the cursor was on) just changes size. It's an ongoing problem and wastes a lot of time fixing (basically reapplying the styles again). Is there a fix for this planned?
  8. When creating a new text style there seems to be no way to type in a hex value in the hex field. The only way to get the colour wanted is dragging the sliders (tedious). Mac OS 12.6 Mac mini M1 Hardware acceleration is ON. Issue is repeatable
  9. Version 2 installed an up and running. FINALLY ... delighted that footnotes and endnotes are in. I would love to have known that they were in development, but given the extraordinary offerings in the announcement, I can see why they were keeping quiet about what they were up to. It's been a long wait ... Haven't played with v2 much yet, but it looks like the wait was worth it for my purposes, at least. Thank you Serif.
  10. I love Publisher for what it does do, but it's been a major disappointment that, to date, it's not lived up to the promise of being a replacement for InDesign. I think we can truthfully say it was a reasonable expectation. Via Twitter, I reminded Serif that communication is everything. Companies like Apple might be able to get away with saying nothing about what they're developing because we know that at least twice a year they deliver something. Right now, there seems to be no hint of whether Serif is even working on Publisher. Their lack of communication on topics like footnotes might have been excusable for, say, a year. But more than 4 years down the track, they're saying nothing. Very poor form and does nothing to engender ongoing trust in the company. I'd like to see them concentrate less on all the fancy integration between Designer, Photo, & Publisher for a time while they simply get in the functionality that we've been pleading for. Meanwhile, I will keep using Publisher for documents that don't require footnotes, etc. However, for documents/books requiring footnotes, endnotes, cross-referencing it's Mellel (which is truly fantastic with those features).
  11. I've started learning LaTex as an interim step while waiting (years!) for Serif to provide footnotes, endnotes and proper cross-referencing (if they ever do).
  12. That's true in principle. However, I had a number of diagrams in my thesis and was happy that I could place them where I wanted. Can also do text wrap around, etc. Yes, it's not as flexible as Aff. Pub. where I can put the diagram virtually anywhere and pin it (or put it inline), but I was more than happy with the layout and placing of text. It's brilliant with headings and table of content (although there is one quirky bit with that). If I had to do another thesis, Mellel would be my first choice ... until Aff. Pub. gets footnotes, endnotes and proper cross-referencing (which Mellel is stunning at). The integration with Bookends is marvellous.
  13. @JohnJohn12 If you're on a Mac, I can heartily recommend Mellel for thesis writing. Affordable, rock solid, works wonderfully with Bookends (and, I believe, Endnotes). I did my PhD thesis in it. Bit of a learning curve, but well worth the effort until Affinity offers a viable alternative.
  14. Same problem. Cannot type into the colour fields. Have to use the sliders to get colour – very tedious. Mac mini M1 running OS 12.2.1 Publisher version 1.10.4
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