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Everything posted by thomaso

  1. 1. In Resource Manager select the embedded file. 2. Then click on "Make linked ...". 3. You will get asked where you want to save the file. If it is not embedded but missing then just export it. An .afpub document appearently contains all its data for linked files, too.
  2. What does make a page current/active? I'd say it is the page I am working on = the one I might have selected an object = the page in the main window. – Or, vice versa: in pages panel I can double-tap a page = make it the current/active page = show it it the main window. Or is it more complex and different again and the current page can be a page I neither can see in main window nor is gray marked in pages pane? – If yes, for what use? For me, the main window page and the gray marked page in page panel are always in auto-sync. Different to the page number shown in the lower left corner of the main window.
  3. I make the same experience occasionally. – It is also/already discussed here:
  4. To me it appears so not-understandable that I only can imagine it was not in purpose but simply forgotten to get coded. Similar as the absence of the gradient-color-nodes window in swatches panel to edit gradients colors. The feature, the panel, the code which makes it work – all existing, but just not marked to appear in swatches panel?
  5. I think the gray and the blue rectangle exactly do this. The gray shows the spread in the main window. If you single tap another page in pages pane, that gets a blue rectangle – without influencing the gray and the main window yet. Now you may move the blue marked page around, still without change of gray frame and main window. Only if you let go of the blue then this side/spread gets the gray rectangle and moves into the main window. However, this is not my problem. I'm more interested in a trustworthy "Current" setting in print or export options !
  6. @Chris_K, good point. Yes, it apparently starts to happen only with a change of text frame size (regardless of I change by cursor or numerical). When I set the frame size – after some changes – back to its initial values then the ruler marker and the text cursor marker have synchronous positions again.
  7. @fluffy sheep, pardon me, you're right. It was by no means my intention to offend you by criticizing a way of working. After your mention of "save" in your initial post it was rather meant to be a productive hint as to how such a situation might be avoided. That you wrote later to "make backups manually" sounds simply unnecessary risky to me since my experience with local snapshots via timemachine is just smooth and simple.
  8. @Chris_K, that sounds strange to me. – So I extend my bug report: Gradients made from global color swatches ignore the swatches global property. 1. Create a gradient with global color swatches as the gradient's node colors. 2. Change the color value for one of the applied global swatches. 3. Result: The global swatch gets changed but the gradient using that global swatch does not show the new color. This appears to be either an error of the global swatch property or of gradients.
  9. @Chris_K I just run into this issue again, now with "current spread" (not current page). I had to export several times the "current spread" to really get it into the exported PDF. Then I noticed once in the moment I released the menu item "File" > "Export..." that the page numbers shown in the lower left corner suddenly switched to different numbers without any change of the shown spread in the main window. The numbers corresponded to the exported spread but not to those in main window. In pages pane still the wanted pages had their gray rectangle. When I move in main window the spreads view around then the gray rectangle in pages pane moves synchronioulsy but the page numbers displayed in the lower left corner of main window remain unchanged. According to your quoted description it's not meant to be like this, right? – See video (btw: can I reduce the displayed video size in the forums window?): page numbers UI.mov
  10. @Martin, meanwhile I suspect like Fixx did before. – If you want send me 1 page (1 photo embedded) of your document, so we can compare our results. As alternative or in addition, just to limit or exclude problems, you could create a totally new document and place there only 1 image, then export this and also the same page of the entire document. - Do the two PDFs have the same file size?
  11. Strange. You should be able to export a PDF with approximately the same file size as the sum of the placed file sizes (assuming they are jpgs) To me the compr. setting definitely influences the resulting PDF file size: I just tried with 2 photos in A4 (placed 470 dpi) –> downsample, bicubic, 300 dpi, PDF 1.7. = setting from your first screenshot. 4 jpg compression settings: 100% ... 39,5 MB 80 % ... 19,8 MB 60 % ... 7,7 MB 20 % ... 4,5 MB Both photos are jpgs with 80% compr. quality / file sizes 9,9 + 8,3 MB = 18,2 MB. Since they are not full sized in the layout (470 dpi > 300 dpi) even the 19,8 MB at 80% setting should be less. Edit, see below... As mentioned earlier, little visual difference is between 100 and 60% – compared to the big difference in file size. In the attached pdf are 3 screenshots in 300 % zoom / jpg-quality p1: 100% – p2: 60% – p3: 20% screenshots jpg quality 100-60-20.pdf [ Edit: I just noticed I had exported as document CMYK. - Now the 60% pdf in RGB (eci v2) has 3,6 MB only / towards 7,7 in cmyk. ]
  12. Oh, you might have misunderstood: the page order will be done by Acrobat, you simply use a pdf with single pages in unmodified order: page 1, page 2, page 3 ... As it says in the first paragraph it does the page arrangement for you: "Acrobat or Reader lays out the pages two per sheet. (...)". Also, you may leaf through the spread preview before you print to check for instance whether the title page really is on the right and the last documents page next to it. Actually it is the same workflow than in APub. In both (or any other) applications you have to set up your printer driver software, e.g. for double-sided printing, paper size, page orientation, etc.
  13. @Steps, it was a serious suggestion: you may be disturbed only by decimal numbers in an infobox, not because of the visual difference in your layout *. You'll probably seldom notice on the object itself if it is rotated by 1.1 or 1.9 degrees. Presumably, both appear the same. Therefore, it can be at least a workaround to zero the decimal places for rotations in the preferences. [ * apropros Goldwaage: in meinen ersten Jahren mit Layoutprogrammen ging es mir ähnlich mit Rahmen-Maßen und -Positionen; quasi "musste" ich Nachkommastellen in den Infoboxen manuell löschen, nachdem ich ein Objekt gezeichnet hatte. Fall für die Klapse ]
  14. @GrahamMYC, if the printing computer has Adobe Acrobat installed then you simply can export in AFPub as single-page PDF and use Acrobat's ability to print as booklet. ( https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/print-booklets-acrobat-reader.html ) It is the same result as printing as a booklet in AFPub, just one pdf step in between – but less to carry to the printer.
  15. Aha. Core. And now? Whose task is it to define "core"? Can we delegate the question to Raymondo, who almost fears to bore us? Ideas like "I want the important only" are no useful demand as long "important" is not defined. Or, with other words: "APub fulfills every wish which is really important. Really. Important." – Before you, or Raymondo, get too exited: what makes you write more posts? Does the lack of core features even cause a satisfying core feature in the forum? The best way to get a core feature programmed into the application is to provide arguments that convince the team. "Everybody has it" is not an argument. APub seems not to aim to be like everybody. That's a core feature.
  16. Cute occurrence in the mac bug section. If I cut & paste your Januar text frame on page 1, then afterwards duplicates of page 1 don't have this feature anymore. (what a pity, no discovering of time machine) Kalender2019-cut&copy Januar.afpub
  17. The pages palette appears without visible vertical border/edge ... (depending of its merge with other panels)
  18. Don't you agree: At its current beta stage Affinity Publisher already offers features you can't find in QuarkXpress or InDesign. I'd like to know what makes you believe that your demand in particular should be respected in a premium order. There are so many different requests meanwhile that you could support the team with arguments to reach the big goal, together with your help: Can you support the forum with statistical data showing the frequency of multi-page spreads compared to all printed materials of the graphic design fraternity? That could pull the project developers on your side! Or simply open eyes at least.
  19. ... then the computer is configured to do auto-backups. MickRose mentioned one tool for Windows, macOS has one built-in for hourly auto-backups. Activate "Save History With Document", then save. – In combination with "Save as..." you increase the ability.
  20. You really want to reduce accuracy? Then you can preset the amount of decimals for degrees to zero in the Application Preferences. But this does not affect the angles you create, just the numerical appearance. It might make you feel your perfectly accurecy
  21. How to rotate in full degrees: 1.) in the Transform Palette place your cursor into the "R:" textbox. 2.) with arrow up and down keys rotates in steps of 1 degree.
  22. Yes, ich würde sagen, so good so far. Because on your Master B you did not place page numbers, apparently. Again, I recommend to start with a look in your layers panel to see what elements and especially what masters, are on every single spread or page. Hinzufügen? What makes you think you "added" B? Apparently you can not apply 2 masters to 1 page. In your case: either A or B. To solve this you might want to consider a hint of my recent post, concerning slaves ...
  23. @NauticalMile, when reading your thoughts, I see a road map in front of my inner eyes and somebody new in town, who has just moved from a known location and is now looking for the basic infrastructure like post office, supermarket, doctor, highway and train station, and so on. As in any city, it's usually all there. Take your time to discover. After a while it becomes more familiar, day by day a little more ... For the time beeing this related topic might widen your view on the new surrounding:
  24. > When I use the pen tool to draw a straight line, it draws if I hold shift key. Does it draw in yellow, or in blue? [the Pen tool needs at least 2 points (start/end) set for a line. Just 1 point + drawing does not create a line yet.]
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