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Petar Petrenko

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Everything posted by Petar Petrenko

  1. I reinstalled the app, but it still wasn't there, but appeared into Customize Toos. Now, it is OK.
  2. I've already asked for this few posts above. I can't see how to do that. When I start the app with CTRL pressed, there isn't Reset Toolbar on the menu.
  3. There is no Line Width Tool on Windows for me, so I updated the Mac apps. This tool works really great with Pen and Pencil tools equally, but why just another tool? Couldn't it be done using CTRL button while dragging nodes?
  4. Here it is how InDesign organized QR code generator:
  5. Please, make the Typography panel resizable vertically. Now it has fixed height.
  6. Is there any chance to extend QR code generator to work with selected text?
  7. Yes, in some cases I use this trick, but my philosophy is minimalism -- maximum results with minimum efforts (if possible). In this case I will join them with soft RETURN.
  8. "Space between same styles" is here to prevent creating additional unnecessary styles.
  9. If you have 2 consecutive paragraphs (subtitles) set to "Start on Next Page" and you want in some cases to keep them together, you can't achieve this even if you set "Space between same styles" to 0.
  10. "Common" directory is empty instead being populated with anything common between the 3 apps and searching for them separatelly. And it is easy for the user to "install" what's needed to appear in all apps like colors, brushes, assets, styles...
  11. It doesn't matter. It works just fine for me and it is much easier to create and maintain a color palette this way (at least for me). I shall see when 2.5 comes.
  12. I've deinstalled retailed and beta MSIX and installed retailed and beta EXE apps. If this is what you mean?
  13. I copied mine .CSV file in PANTONE directory in all three 2.4.1 apps just about an hour before 2.4.2 appeared. Now, it dissapeared from all 3 apps. Why are you deleting files that are not part of Affinity apps? Do we have to "reinstall" them after every update / upgrade?
  14. Here it is another idea: In the attachment is the default CorelDRAW palette. It is a .CSV file and you can put it in the PANTONE folder and have it active all the time. You can open this file with a NotePad and see how it is organized, so you can create your own palettes and put them in the same folder. CorelDRAW default colors.csv
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