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Petar Petrenko

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Everything posted by Petar Petrenko

  1. Thank you very much. Really great asset. Is it possible to speed up the process a little bit more by automatically deleting the logo and loading the bump map?
  2. Content of the Controlbar changes when you select a tool in the Tools palette. For example, When you select Text frame tool Paragraph and Character palettes are displayed on this Controlbar. When you select Brush tool, Paragraph and Character palettes are closed and you now have the Brush palette open, and so on. It reduces the number of palettes that are opened all the time even if you don't need them at the moment. It is expecially useful on laptops where every open palette occupies the screen and reduces the working area. It speeds the workflow because you know where to look instead of visual hunting where you put the specific palette among others.
  3. Publisher needs a new Toolbar as this one in the attachment ASAP, to replace the existing one. It should be with 4 rows and can be added to Designer and Photo, too.
  4. Maybe it is better solution to trace the 1-bit image and import it as a vector?
  5. Affinity's policy is to make available the most popular formats to be imported and then... to start using Affinity software.
  6. Publisher is missing an invisible character for the Leading Override. It is extremely hard and time consuming to find where you inserted it after some time or after adding/deleting text.
  7. I, personally, would not use endnotes inside tables. Hope, in near future, Affinity will add table notes which will be numbered separatelly from the other kind of notes.
  8. Inline or not, text inside a table is not part of the body text flow. When you create a table you don't continue to add body text inside it and then continue outside of the table. Texts inside table cells are separate from each other and from the body text, too. So, this is why the problem occurs.
  9. The problem is that the text inside tables is not part of the body text (not linked with it), so Publisher is confused how to connect them.
  10. No workarround can replace the flexibility of ID's facing pages spreads.
  11. You can add ! or - or space instead of a letter.
  12. You can also download dictionaries from: https://www.softmaker.com/en/dictionaries just change ".sox" extension to ".zip" and unpack it.
  13. As I can recall my memory, Xara offers an option to select text frames and merge it by keeping the order of selection.
  14. Do you think you can learn in an hour or two to play any instrument only by listening to professional musicians how easy they play?
  15. I've heard it through a grapevine they are preparing V3 for the next month: Designer will have all the features of Illustrator, Xara, CorelDRAW, FreeHand, VectorStyler... Photo will have all the features of Photoshop, Lightroom, ON1, Capture One Pro, Pixelmator... Publisher will have all the features of InDesign, QuarkXPress, Ventura, VivaDesigner...
  16. Affinity does not ignore anybody. They are just a small team and demands are too many.
  17. Half an hour ago I thought the same. Serif bought Adobe and now, the Serif of Nothingem is in charge to decide -- which Adobe apps will be executed and which will be spared.
  18. Usually, companies that have no new ideas to offer, accept the subscription model.
  19. As said long time ago Affinity do not plan to do it. So, the work arround, until they add bitmap trace, is to trace it in Inkscape and use it as a vector object.
  20. The integration can be even better if they: make Preferences common for all 3 apps with separate sections for apps specific preferences; if you can drag & drop objects between apps; allow common swatches, object styles, text styles...
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