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  1. Whatever Canva comes up with, be sure it will be with a goal of maximizing return on invesment. So, we will be sad pandas.
  2. Why not simply release an "Activation server" as Open Source on gitlab? So that anyone skillful enough can run the server in case Canva closes the official one.
  3. Of course. Only naive users will believe all those PR stunts they are now pulling. It is clear as day to all that think about it and take into account all other mergers/aquisitions in the field. Follow the money and the ways (for Canva) of extracting projected value from the investment (for Canva). It is pure business and Excel spreadsheet from now on. The soul (and Affinity´s own mission/vision) has left the building. Serif can promise everything now, but being bought they are now longer in control what happens from now on. Canva can change management and render all those funny "pledges" ineffective on some technicality. These pledges are just mere words without ramifications, there is no binding agreement on Canva´s (Affinity is out of the picture now, so their words are meaningless and unenforceable) part, where they state that "we promise to never cut off you from your bought programs, here is an option to install V2 without ever needing us to do so, without registration servers -- so that we can not fool you in the future".
  4. Better start looking for (and supporting) the alternatives. There is a danger of having the affinity files that one can not open until one buys a canva subscrtiption. It will be Adobe all over again.
  5. Look into your emails—damage control has arrived. I cant fathom why THAT message was not the first thing they said, instead of that sad-CEO video and empty marketing phrases in the first email? Ok, two things: "If we do offer a subscription, it will only ever be as an option alongside the perpetual model, for those who prefer it." (I put relevant parts in bold) Not "IF" but when, and perpetual model will be sunset after several years and registration servers several years after that. We have seen this in the industry many times. Ah well, sad times. "To kick things off, we’d love to learn more about what you’d like to see as we embark on this next chapter of our journey. What would you like to see in Affinity? What features have you been dreaming of? What would you love to achieve?" Well, how about to clear the bugs backlog for starters, and see what was suggested so far in terms of features? I understand that you want to end your email on a positive upbeat note, that now everything will be peachy, but that is too on the nose.
  6. Yes, they sure do know. :-/ You can say the same about Maxon, Adobe… and look how the aquired companies´ products fared in regards to their respective customers…
  7. That body language is really standing out. Watch it without sound and convince me that this is a cheerful, positive and happy message to us—loyal users…
  8. Because that is what on everyone´s mind. They do not resolutely commit to a standing pricing model, and that means they will change it. And that in turn means enshittification is around the corner—canva subscription nagging, AI, features for the sake of features, SaaS. Sad.
  9. From their FAQ (I bolded the important parts): I dissect PR smokes/mirrors for living. So read between the lines — next versions may have different pricing structure. They are not ruling out subscriptions or other ideas. So, no more advocating Affinity for me, the future is bleak. No more investing mentally or financially (V2 could by my last purchase). Very sad they sold out: it was such a beautiful dream, European "David", independent, with clear price structure, striving underdog. Now it is circling the corporate aquisition drain.
  10. Thank you. It took me some wild scrolling but I found it, thanks to you. For others, it is there
  11. I am looking everywhere, but I cannot find that information anywhere. What has changed between the versions, what was improved? Is there any place with that information? Thank you.
  12. In continuation of my previous benchmarks (see below) I add a new one with sandboxed (still damn MSIX) v203.
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