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Posts posted by Albo

  1. I would also like a feature for frame by frame animation.
    But I figure it would also have to include a video layer where we can load a video as reference.
    I am currently doing this in PSD.

    I need to have an Adobe subcription only for this feature I use; so I would really like
    to do this in Affinity.
    On the other hand I fully understand that this is quite a niche that Affinity might not consider
    while it entails a lot of work on the app.

    I use Designer and Photo for all my creative work. I still wish...

  2. Hello,
    I don't think it is a better or worse issue VS other software. We just use the tools that we prefer and that's fine.
    For many reason's I am not using PSD because for me APHO works a lot better and without having to dish out money every month or year.
    This brush feature would be nice and I think Affinity might be working on this to implement it the best way possible.
    Forum is nice so we can point out how usefull this would be.


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