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Posts posted by Albo
Thank you Bruce,
Very well explained.
I want to batch process a group of images in develop persona. Adjusting WB. Luminosity and contrast.
I don't see anyway of applying a macro.Can you make a macro in Develop Persona ?
Thank you,
Thank you all.
Just thought the default was 45 degrees.
Good news. That will make brush management a lot better.
Indeed. Thank you all.
Black box is simply so I can see the font.
I don't use the black box.Font: Rollerscript.
And yes I did tweak it so they don't touch as noted by @walt.farrell.
- walt.farrell and kenmcd
- 2
Sorry for my crappy explanation.
I really meant spacing in the vertical meaning of the word.
Not justify. -
It was simply a spacing issue between the lines.
I wanted more space between each line. The original image is tight and
I could not make more spacing using the line spacing tab.
After quitting the app I tried again and it worked.This being said it was most probably a mistake I was making and not an app issue.
Thank you.
I did try it before but it didn't seem to work.
Opened my file again and it works.
As they say...human error. -
Locked layers are still not locked.
I'm wondering if there is a particular difficulty in doing this since it is still not implemented in V2.I'm not losing any sleep over this. Simple question.
Can I simply trash V1 app or do I need to uninstall in some special way ?
This is quite frustrating... Can Serif fix this so we can position the window and leave it there.
Having it appear at the bottom right all the time is not comfortable, even with a pen tablet.
Specifically the : command+B -
Thank Walt,
Pretty obvious it should work on any system !- walt.farrell and R C-R
- 2
It would be very useful when I select the selection option with a shortcut : command+B
If the window would remain where I put it.
Every time I use the shortcut it reverts to it's place : bottom right corner.I would like to remain where I put it the last time. Isn't this possible ?
Thank you.
I would also like a feature for frame by frame animation.
But I figure it would also have to include a video layer where we can load a video as reference.
I am currently doing this in PSD.I need to have an Adobe subcription only for this feature I use; so I would really like
to do this in Affinity.
On the other hand I fully understand that this is quite a niche that Affinity might not consider
while it entails a lot of work on the app.I use Designer and Photo for all my creative work. I still wish...
I don't use the tablet with the touch option. Doesn't work well in the workflow, for me.
Keyboard shortcut would be a lot better. -
I don't think it is a better or worse issue VS other software. We just use the tools that we prefer and that's fine.
For many reason's I am not using PSD because for me APHO works a lot better and without having to dish out money every month or year.
This brush feature would be nice and I think Affinity might be working on this to implement it the best way possible.
Forum is nice so we can point out how usefull this would be.
I am using the hand tool to move around the canvas.
When I try to change either by selecting another tool or with a shortcut.
Tool won't change. I am stuck with the hand tool.Anyone else experiencing this ?
Solution was to quit and restart AFD.
I hope this is the last layer I find with pressure settings! -
Locking layer contents
in Feedback for the Affinity V2 Suite of Products
I'm wondering why use the lock at all if it doesn't lock.
This is really simple for UI. Lock means lock.
Maybe I am missing something I don't know about ?
This is, for me, the only long lasting issue that doesn't seem to be solved or solvable.