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  1. Gonna bump this one more time! Would be very useful indeed
  2. The newest version 1.10.4 still cause Affinity to freeze when I do basic work
  3. Here to bump this post again. Support for color chart would be really helpful
  4. Kirkt, Yup you explained exactly my issue. I don't think it's an issue anymore, but I'll share here what I've learned through your answers and a few searches. For ACES to work properly, I need to work with ICC display transform (in my case srgb), convert from Acescg to srgb (linear) using OCIO, then manually tonemap it using curves. I was trying to avoid using luts or curves for tonemapping, but that's exactly what it needs. I just wish AP had an easier way to do it. Like in Davinci Resolve you just set your working color space, set the IDT and ODT and you are done Here's the exr file if you still want to take a peek: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m5MC9O7JMjB3UKLCSgIAwKoA9v84UuWe/view?usp=sharing
  5. Yes I have watched those video, and they were helpful. However it can't find the thing that I am looking for. As far as I know, the OCIO display transform does 3 things: Convert ACEScg to linear srgb Tonemap the linear srgb (RRT) Add view transform for monitor (ODT) The ICC display only enables me to do 1 and 3. How do I get the tonemapping coming from ACES?
  6. Hello guys! I know this has been asked several times here but unfortunately I couldn't find a clear answer. My goal is to display my ACESCG render correctly and export it to web as JPG - Right now the preview in the OCIO display transform is the correct look, but I know it won't look correct when I export it. - So I am trying to replicate that look with ICC display transform. What I am trying to avoid is to use manual adjustments like levels, curves, etc. The closest I've got was using OCIO node but still looks washed off and less contrasty. Am I missing something here? Thanks!
  7. I am also curious how you got the ACES CG to be in the color profile preference
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