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  1. Suggestions on 3 tools that would bring a great advantage in creative possibilities and faster working without the need of using workarounds: 1. object/background cutting tool 2. vector eraser 3. real vector brush Please as soon as possible, not in V3.
  2. There are many apps, but a simple perspective crop tool should be implemented in Affinity apps, after raw developping and color corection has been done before perspective crop resampling.
  3. A perspective crop tool like in Photopea or Photoshop would be great and very useful, because we have 2023 and most scans are done by smartphones and tablets these days.
  4. No, Apple was the first company who had serious systems for DTP, 30 years ago.
  5. For the professional creative design community, Linux is not significant, neither Windows. Apple is still the choice, if money doesn't matters. After the 90s Windows becomes more popular, because better availibility of pirated illegal creative software.
  6. Serif, had anyone complained about the old iPad UI and requested this new UI?
  7. Edit menu font size is too small in German language, smaller than English. Very difficult to read. Please allow optional bigger edit menu font size on iPad 12.9"
  8. Looks so. It was foreseeable that the 40% will be extended. Perhaps even permanently. Usual marketing strategy.
  9. Yes, but avoid opening your V1 files in V2, if you want to use them again in V1.
  10. Please add golden ratio and fibonacci grids on iPad apps. Suggestion
  11. Would it be possible to make the iPad menu bars transparent outside buttons/symbols like vectornator?
  12. Please adjust the text size on the 3 dot ... dropdown menu in Affinity Designer for iPad. It is too small.
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