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Everything posted by Xzenor

  1. Affinity Photo. I added it to the title so it's more clear.
  2. The face of a girl where a fairly large part of her skin is gone and you see the skull. Not realistic, there's no muscle tissue or blood or brain or anything but a skull might not be everybody's cup of tea. https://postimg.cc/BLRn1gcG
  3. On a side note. If you get the update dialog and you click "update now" and it immediately fails, start your application as administrator (Right click, run as administrator) and it'll update.
  4. I'm extremely happy to say that you were wrong.. unnamed file and it was saved there
  5. Hey, Designer V2 just crashed on me.. reopened it and all it asked me was to send a bugreport (which I did) but now I lost my work.. Where is the autosave location of V2? They changed that and I can't find it
  6. Oooh "blendmodes", like the rest of the world calls them 😂 Edit: ah no wait, I see what you mean. There's a specific set of 8 blendmodes that the documentation even refers to as "special 8"
  7. Wait..... So let me get this straight.. You are blaming Serif that other applications don't support the affinity file format? Just repeat that a few times in your head and maybe you'll start to understand how silly that is..
  8. I agree.. well except for the vectorstyler thing as I don't have a Mac.. But, it's version 2.0. The first release.. I'm pretty sure some improvements and bufixes are on the way. I already added the lack of snapping as a bugreport (on windows though), you're welcome to add to that post and give it some traction. The real bugs are most likely gonna get most of the attention atm though (as it should).
  9. I've had crashes too. Mostly with installing the content in my account while having the account-dialog open. It hangs first and then it just poofs.
  10. You're missing my point At 00:30 you immediately go to add the effect. Don't. Take a look at what I do in my vid at 0:12. I open the warp-group and select the rectangle inside the warp-group and put the effect on that instead of on the warp-group itself.. EDIT: I do think the issue you're running into is not by design and is a bug that should be fixed but this is a way to make it work anyway.
  11. Sorry that's not what I meant. The drop shadow effect, you're not putting that on your object but on the warp group. here, see what I mean (Sorry, it's missing the FX dialog because I only recorded the window...) 2022-11-10 23-58-42.mp4
  12. Hm.. sometimes it works.. sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it just takes a while and sometimes it never changes into a real thumbnail. It's not consistent. it does seem to work better for Affinity Designer than for Affinity photo. the Photo thumbnails don't even have an Affinity logo in the corner anymore.
  13. Wow... indeed, if you zoom in and out a bit in Explorer then they update and all is good. that's odd behavior but I can live with it. Thanks! @walt.farrell!
  14. Not really a bug but a very much missing feature. Warping doesn't snap.. it also doesn't move in a straight line when holding shift. There is simply no way to be precise when warping something
  15. What if you put the shadow on the actual object instead of the warp group? I still get weird behavior but the looks more like a rendering issue on my end.. zooming in and out fixes that for me.
  16. Where with the V1 fileformat the explorer would show a thumbnail of your image with a little affinity logo in the corner, there's now only a big affinity logo and that's it. There's no way to see what's what anymore. The only way to view them is from within an Affinity V2 application.
  17. Well not entirely.. it actually creates some kind of adjustment layer to put your stuff in so if you know how it works then it's slightly logical... but that's a big 'if'...
  18. it kinda is.. it works fairly well. Could use snapping though, and moving in a straight line when you hold shift would be very very nice too.. But it's the first version so I'm expecting improvements on it in the future.
  19. Well I'm a Windows Desktop user so it's not for me but the desktop versions can't be far away if this is true.
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