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  1. You created an account just to resurrect a 2 year old post? If you want a one-click solution then AD probably isn't the right tool for you anyway. I personally prefer to have more control instead of hoping for the one-click solution to do it like I want it to. Instead of a rant, try asking for help. You'll get a better and more useful response. We have no way to tell what kind of image you even want to remove the white background from so no way to give advice.
  2. Ah thanks.. I searched but that one was not among the results. It's workable once you know how to work with it. I guess that's why it's been in there for that long. it even moved from V1 to V2. I did figure out it has nothing to do with the actual selection. It's just the checkbox messing it up. You can do the selection with the checkbox enabled and just before you click the refine button you uncheck the all layers checkbox and then transparency works fine.
  3. Found the 'cause'. The quick selection tool has a checkbox called "all layers" and if you uncheck that then there's no problem. I checked with the regular square selection tool and that also does not have the issue. It's still wrong in my opinion. Doesn't matter if I select from one or all layers. The nothingness behind it should still show if I select the transparent preview..
  4. This one The one at the bottom, "transparent" doesn't seem to work anymore (using V2.5.3 on Windows 10 x64). It just doesn't do anything now. It's easy to reproduce.. just grab a random stock image -> select something with the quick selection tool-> open the refine dialog -> set preview to transparent. Maybe it does work on Mac? Edit: I tried it with and without OpenCL acceleration but there's no difference.
  5. I came across this svg that I cannot properly open in Designer. Works fine when showing in a browser and even when opened in Inkscape but it's just a bunch of squares in Affinity Designer. https://www.micros.nl/resources/img/logo-40-jaar-micros-internetdiensten.svg Does anyone understand why? I opened the svg as text and it doesn't seem to be bitmap data so that's not the issue. Is there a way to properly open and edit this in Affinity? I tried exporting as a new svg in Inkscape and opening that one but there was no difference. Using version 2.5.2, in case that matters
  6. Thanks all. Glad it's not a bug after all and learned that apparently selections get saved in the document
  7. For real? That's bizar... I closed the file and shut down the application. Since when do selections survive that 🤨 But thanks! I'll try if it works for me as well.
  8. I'm running onto the weirdest thing with this picture. I can't paint on it anymore, except for a certain piece of the image that matches the mask of the curves layer above it but only with something like 20% opacity it seems. this isn't the cause of the problem though as the problem persists if you remove the entire curves layer (with its mask). I checked my brush's blend mode and wet edges.. reset the brush.. tried a different brush.. Nothing helps I'm guessing it's a bug but you're welcome to prove me wrong. I'm not very comfortable posting the image but I guess it's not possible to report a bug without it....
  9. Goodbye credibility.... "None of that changes today".. Right.. it's not today we worry about.. it's about tomorrow and the days/months after that
  10. The amount of noise heavily impacts the size of the png (maybe also other file formats, i don't know. I usually use png). The resolution isn't always the biggest factor of the file size. A 10000x10000 picture of just one color is only a little over 310kb when exported as PNG. Add 5% of monogramatic gausian noise and it's almost 67MB. Non monogramatic makes it 127MB. All same resolution. just different pixels in it.
  11. You're welcome. Here's an Affinity video for working with HDR.
  12. I know.. but Affinity does support HDR monitors.. If you enable the 32Bit preview panel you can just tag the EDR (Mac) or HDR (Windows) checkbox to enable HDR view and make use of the HDR capabilities of your display. EDIT: Sidenote.. On windows you have to enable HDR in your windows settings first before the checkbox becomes available. Kind of annoying but that's just how it works.. Windows itself looks off in HDR mode so it's not something you want to have turned on constantly.
  13. I'm not sure I follow..... Affinity Photo has had support for HDR quite a while now but I cannot imagine that Lightroom did not have that support yet..
  14. I think if you just want to create a photobook, you may be better off with specialized software for that like the ones you already mentioned. It's like using autocad to draw a stickman when all you need is mspaint.exe
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