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Everything posted by 2989

  1. I think of it like this: If I had a Tray (an Art board) with Coffee and cookies on it, and asked you if you wanted: Just the coffee (Selection only) or the Coffee and Cookies (Selection area - ie the things ON the tray) or 'the whole Tray (Artboard) The Tray + The Coffee and the cookies... I am not sure why I came up with that analogy, I must be hungry. Thanks again.
  2. Thank You so much! You are a Star ⭐ I have now been able to export the image with the color changes I want. And have learned something today! There seams to be a fine line between 'Selection only' and 'Selection area'. I was under the impression Selection Area meant more than one element on the artboard but not including the artboard itself. Maybe Affinity could make this clearer somehow, possibly an Info button at this export dropdown explaining what will be exported... There is space for it. Thank you again for your help, I really appreciate it. B
  3. Thank you for your quick reply. Here are the screenshots of the export settings. The only thing I changed was 'Selected Area' instead of Artboard as I wanted to use it in another programme.
  4. Hello All, I am new to Affinity Photo but fairly proficient with Affinity Designer. I loaded a Jpeg into Photo and did some color changes (To Blues) but when I went to export the new colorway it would only export in my original colours (Multi color). It shows the changed Blue version in the preview window but changes back to original when downloading... The download is the original Multi colored version. I have gone into the Develop Persona, but the same thing happens. I checked the book and did not see the answer under exporting. It seems like it should be a straight forward export but I have been trying to sort for an hour now. Please help... Many Thanks! I am running Affinity Photo V2 on an iMac desktop
  5. Any updates on a symbol sprayer in Affinity Designer???
  6. A small change, but one I would imagine would be easy to do. Would it be possible to make that thicker band in another color that you've put around V2? Maybe in both a dark and light color - that way it is easier to differentiate, which version I am in when switching over. The little icons are too similar. Or poss put V2 in the middle of the icon. These icons are much smaller than my screenshot here shows and difficult to distinguish between the two .
  7. Hi, Today I went to redo all my presets into V2 and found they DID copy over - Listed under My presets in V2. My question now: Is it possible to get the grid layout as in Designer 1 ? It now just shows a list view of the presets. I prefer the Visual version.
  8. Thank You Walt for the reply, By layout presets I meant the page set up ie: 12" x12", RGB, 300 dpi I have quite a few and it will be very time consuming to redo manually. Are they stored in a file in V1 that can be brought over to V2?
  9. Hello, I am currently migrating my Designer 1 to V2. Everything went smoothly. My brushes and assets moved over automatically🎉. However, My Layout Presets and Studio Presets did not move to V2. How do I get them to be accessible in V2? Why did some things move automatically and other did not ? Thanks for your help!
  10. Many Thanks to you, these are wonderful ! Any Idea how to make alcohol ink effect brushes?
  11. As is the case with a lot of things, but seems to go on deaf ears for years and years and years.....
  12. I agree, It would be so much more useful to see the full image for scale and working. At least have it as an option. 😐 No sense asking for it as a feature request..... Thank You "Old Bruce" and "wilt.farrell" for answering my question.
  13. Hello, My question is on art boards. If I place an image Half on the outboard and half off the art board I do not see the section that is not on the art board I tried placing one art board on top of another but that did not work. see first image below How do I see the full image? Are there some settings I need to change ? First Image - The rest of the ellipse does not show in the Green Color: The second Image - This is what I want to see. The full image and the outside edge of the Art Board This wold be a Big help To scale and design. (Done in Illustrator....) How do I see the full image? Are there some settings I need to change ? Many Thanks advance for your help
  14. If Serif were smart, they would, (read their own forum) and give their, paying customers the features they have repeatedly requested.
  15. AFFINITY - Can we Please get an Official word, here and now, on this forum on When we will get the ALL Important Vector fill ! Will it be in the next release ? Are you actually working on it ? I have always wondered, Why has Serif never sent a Questionnaire with the top 20 requests that people want, that we - Your paying customers, Need from your software? It would give you a roadmap of what to work on next, not just what you think we want or what is hip/cool with the other engineers at Serif. In the 25+ years I have used Serif products, You have never done basic marketing and asked your customers what type of design we use, the industry we work in, the jobs we use your programs for, and the things we need added. I find that astounding. And why do some of your MUCH older products have features that your new Software is sorely lacking? You obviously had the Skills and Technology Years ago to produce these features, So where are they ? You have this superb forum, people have asked for YEARS for things (like Vector Fills) and yet they never seam to appear. Why not? I (and I am sure many others), Look forward to your reply. Thank You.
  16. Maybe we could just call it a Cookie cutter and this destructive / nondestructive issue could be solved. Everybody loves cookies! I have an image that's basically nine big circles I want two of the big circles as smaller images and have for the last three hours been trying to figure out how to do it. I cannot believe in this day and age, this all singing, all dancing program can't simply crop an image out of a Jpeg. Can anyone please tell me how to do it? I have Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo for both Mac and PC and also Serif Draw Plus X8.
  17. Is there a way to add mark a brush as a “Favourite” ? Or a star rating ? (in Designer and/or Photo.) This seems so very basic yet overlooked for much more complex additions. Can we please get ‘ease of use’ issues corrected first. As many other have said here, the old Serif products had many useful things included (like cutout studio, brushes listed and better assets and being able to drag and drop them to save) that the new Affinity programs do not. After working with Affinity Designer and Photo now for about a year, I find myself going back and using my Draw plus for many things instead of the new products. It makes me wonder why I bought the New Affinity versions. I thought new was supposed to also be improved. Many times I feel the new Affinity versions are unnecessarily complicated and trying to be too clever for clever sake. The latest 1.9 update was supposed to be fixes under the hood, so let’s hope the power and structure is there to make these ‘ease of use’ improvements that will benefit everyone!
  18. Thank You to all that have replied ! MikeTO you asked * *I'm confused, why do the rulers not start at the top left at 0,0? AFAIK there is no way to lock them there but the only way to change them is to drag out from the ruler origin so if you don't want to do that, don't do it, and if you do it by mistake just choose undo.
  19. My last preset does not seem to be 'Sticky' and I have to go to View>studio preset> and locate the name of my last preset.... This seems so long wondered for such an advanced program... And of all the shortcuts this program has, this is the one I could use the most..... There is not even the option (that I have found) to add my own short cut by, example : Typing s3. Another question on this subject - once I have my pre-set up and I maybe decide I now would also like 'rulers' to be added to this my favourite preset, Is there a way to save this new change to my current preset. (Just like when we make a change to a document and save it. The only way I have found is to add the new preset with the addition of rulers under a different name (I date them) then have to go back and delete my old preset. Is there a better way? I Just to save that preset with the new information. This seems quite basic.
  20. Ahh yes. It is the W & H. So the X and y are where they are positioned on the page or artboard ??
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