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Certain Stylistic Sets Greyed Out (OpenType)


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In a text frame, I have trouble changing all of the stylistic sets in the frame (via Typography panel). Sometimes it is unnecessarily greyed out (see screenshot), by either selecting the text frame, or selecting all the text within the frame.

However, It is not greyed out when I place the cursor on each word that contains the stylistic set, which is not practical at all. The only workaround I have is to select all, cut, un/check then paste without formatting.

I'm submitting this as a bug, considering that in the attachment, stylistic sets 1 and 3 are available as toggles, while 2 is not (but should be).

This also happens with other fonts that support OpenType stylistic set features.

Screen Shot 2019-09-11 at 6.08.56 AM.png

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In this instance, it would be a typeface called Neutral. Another typeface that is affected is called FF Real. I don't think my choice of fonts matters since it's not functioning as intended.

In the above, you can see that the stylistic set is checked, yet greyed out, while the other two can be toggled without being greyed out. It's saying that all three are applicable, but for some reason, I cannot access set 02 again. For reference, set 01 toggles the letter 'a', set 02 the letter 'l', and set 03 the letter 't'. There are plenty of Ls that can and should be applicable for this set, especially since I enabled it in the first place (prior to pasting, which then disables it).

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4 hours ago, Pauls said:

which font(s) are exhibiting the problem ?

We only enable sets which are applicable for the selected glyphs.

SSs also work in total in paragraph styles and are then applied to appropriate glyphs.

However, if a portion of text is selected (or even the text cursor is beside a particular glyph), then Affinity applications can only activate SSs that related to the text selection. Whether this is ideal or not isn't up to me...

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1 hour ago, cyanide said:

I didn't realize SSs could be modified through the paragraph style settings. It works properly there, but not through the Typography panel.

Technically, the way SSs work when text is selected is as designed I believe. I myself disagree with how it's designed to work but it isn't up to me.

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